NYT: Trump Will Sign Executive Order Declaring Judaism A Nationality, Not Just Religion

President Trump will sign an executive order on Wednesday that will essentially declare Judaism to be a nationality or race and not just a religion, The New York Times reported.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1267712

What a headache for the Israeli passport department…is this supposed to steam line deportations or something?

Yes. Let’s focus on the major source of antisemitism - college campuses. Those white “nationalist” groups have been picked on enough./s


The best way to protect the Jewish community from discrimination is to label them as a foreign “other.” Gotcha…


Russian has a Jewish Autonomous Region. It’s in big sky country—right next to Mongolia.
Maybe the Jews could get Northern Alaska?

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Let’s see now, all of those people go in this box because of their religion. OK, call FedEx.

The first step in a registry of Trump undesirables?

Wouldn’t put it past him. Or his handlers.


This is really troubling. I don’t want to get too passionate (I was raised Jewish, but no longer practice), but for centuries Jews have fought the vicious assertion that they are a nationality rather than merely a religion. This is the blood libel that Hitler relied on, which found root in Germany because it had been around for so long. Jews are not a nation, and being Jewish is not a nationality. People with Irish ancestry consider themselves (or used to) a nationality; their Catholicism is not. Same with Italians, Poles, Latinos. Their religion is not the same as their national origin. The fact that intelligent people in this administration (an oxymoron, I grant) would argue that Jews are a nation is an atrocity.


Also, it seems a clear human rights violation, although I can’t exactly say why. How is it up to Trump to say who the Jewish people are?
Frankly, it’s monstrous.


So, um…
do the Jews have a King now?
Does Trump have anyone in mind?


Its clear Trump doesn’t consider Jewish-Americans as truly Americans:


Somehow in his twisted worldview, using antisemitic tropes is supposed to get him the love and support of the American Jewish community. This is just another horrific milestone in that process.


I mean, what has Jared been up to lately? I imagine he has time on his schedule for it.


Except when Trump uses anti-semitic hurtful tropes… those are just “self-evident self-evident”.


He should just declare Republicans a race of people and make doing anything against their wishes constitute illegal discrimination.


Good…because when I think of anti-semitic hotbeds, my first thought are public universities. Of course.


Trump should be removed from Office as soon as possible.


This is Trump’s toxic cynicism in a very pure form. For all his talk about his daughter and son-in-law, Trump has all the antipathies of the New York breed of racist. He knows Jews mostly vote for Democrats; he can’t get up in front of a group of them without using anti-Semitic tropes and snarling about how he doesn’t like all of them and they don’t like him. It’s unheard-of. Now he’s officially defining them as more other, as a nationality, as if he were protecting them when in fact he’s pandering to the evangelicals while putting a symbolic yellow star on the Jews. Nobody wants to be seen as less of an individual and more a member of an ethnic group. That’s the essence of what racism is, of what discrimination is. It’s a sickening next step into authoritarian demagoguery. BDS is about the actions of the state of Israel, not American Jews. I think this’ll go straight to the courts, but the damage is done, and the intent clear.


Right - so now wouldn’t it be helpful to have some way to tell who they are at a glance? Maybe they could wear some sort of emblem? [sarcasm - wild-eyed, terrified sarcasm]


What could go wrong?