NYT: Trump Admin Rejected NY Fed Request In Giuliani Probe | Talking Points Memo


Still employed…somehow. Not paid, but employed. Also does lawncare.

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I grew up not far away from New York City, and, when I was a young man raising a family I paid less attention to politics than my [now departed] mother did. We were talking about Rudy, one day, back when he was Mayor. She told me then that his reputation as a prosecutor of mobsters was a hoax, of sorts. He’d locked up one group of mobsters for the benefit of another group of mobsters. That was the first I’d heard of that… but, seem she was correct. There’s some evidence, these days, that he was working for the Russians, even that long ago. In any case, Rudy needs to be in jail.


I’m sure they did more than that.

I’m sure they tipped off Rudy to hide as much as he could.

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And I’m sure, with his repeatedly demonstrated incompetence in the field of cybersecurity (cite: butt-dialing, calling the wrong Senators, leaving messages on the wrong answering machine), he managed to drag some files to the little trash can, but didn’t know that you also had to empty it (or that even emptying the trash can doesn’t remove it from your hard drive…)


My Grandmother would say…“if they’re that old they should know better”.


It’s actually quite easy to understand Rudy. There’s an ancient Neanderthal saying…" eventually you will show your ass". It was Rudy’s time. If you clear away the hagiography and look at the man…there’s not much there. Like Trump he’s taken credit for the work of others, blamed his failures on others and failed upward because other could use him. There was noting really there.

As a Cro Magnon prophet said " if you fuck me you best fuck me dead"…and Rudy failed to do that. Those he fucked are ready to fuck back and all the folks that propped him up in the past don’t giver a shit about him now.

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[quote=“brewhousebob, post:21, topic:203760”]
He attacked a joint session of Congress, including his own Vice President (and family) and put everyone’s lives in danger. He threatened the very core of our Democracy. Lives were lost. You think the victims here are powerless to demand justice?

If you mean the GOP members of Congress try seeing it from their perspective.

T**** gave them a good show of what his base is capable of when incited. And then probably spent his remaining days in office speaking to any he thought might do their constitutional duty .

T**** gave them a good show of what his base is capable of when incited. And then probably spent his remaining days in office speaking to any he thought might do their constitutional duty .

*Hi Senator/Representative, it’s been awhile since we’ve spoken. By the way…I hear your son/daughter just moved into a new apartment, I hope they’re enjoying it. How’s the rest of your family doing? *

Terrible what those people did on January sixth isn’t it? Tsk Tsk

Gotta go now, Vlad’s calling…Buh Bye…


Rudy Giuliani has always assumed that he’s immune from any exposure for anything he does. He goes nuts when someone challenges this. Remember that this guy was on the take as federal prosecutor. He is the textbook example of an unremorseful criminal. He is simply not going to accept prosecution, and will probably go back and see if he get his NYPD cronies to have another police riot like he did when he was running against David Dinkins. To him, the only people who count are the Archie Bunker deplorables left over from Queens (now found in rural PA and the rural south), and everyone else (and especially anyone who is not white, male, Catholic, badly educated, and racist) is an enemy who should be shot down in the streets.


Roodles was crowned “America’s Mayor!” by a delusional media because he just happened to be in town on 9/11 instead of porking his mistress at a B&B in Connecticut. And he did the absolute minimum as mayor of NYC that was required for the office he was elected to. Some fucking hero.

Then he ran one of the most laughable campaigns for the Presidency in 2008, when again many in the media were saying that he would be unstoppable because of the “heroism” (LOL!) he showed on 9/11. He spent over $65M on his primary campaign and ended up in the toilet.

And finally, he hooked up with fellow grifter Donald Trump and finished off whatever iota of decency or veneer of sanity and competence he had left.

But we will always have warm and fond and oh-so-delightful memories of that immortal presser at the back alley of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Dildo Shop, and Crematorium. That may be the greatest legacy that Rudy can give to the American people.


A lot of the initial crop of Russian mobsters were affiliated with the KGB, and were first admitted to the country when the US demanded that Russia allow Jewish refuseniks to emigrate. In the time honored practice of totalitarian regimes, they inserted some of their nastier counterintelligence hard asses, and then liberated a lot of the more serious lifers from the gulag system, and explained that if they did what they were supposed to do in the US, they could do it with impunity and with the backing of the Russian state. Sort of what we tried in Central and South America, but the Russians were better at it.

They found Rudy and hired him to “enforce” on Italian gangsters who didn’t want to play with the Russian mob, who generally operated with impunity in NYC as well. And the Russians aren’t as polite as Italian mobsters, and are generally much better trained with weapons and very enthusiastic about gory murders of their opponents.


Probably what caused the strange case of Barr announcing the resignation of the US attorney saying he would be moving to another position at main justice and his refusal to comply.


Well, at least now we know why Rudy continually debased himself so completely.

Donny was keeping him out of prison.

But Merrick won’t.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

AOL has all the emails


I sometimes feel a little bad for wishing so hard, that Ukraine would file an Interpol red notice on Rudy for some shenanigans while he was there.
Then, I think about it happening and it makes me giggle.


Evidence that he destroyed evidence …


Hope you”re right.

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Thanks — although you have a weird name.