In the final weeks of the Trump presidency, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) asked the White House for blanket pre-emptive pardons for himself and unidentified congressional allies for any crimes they may have committed, The New York Times reported on Tuesday night.
Okay, that doesn’t mean for certain that Gaetz did anything wrong. Maybe he was asking for a pardon because he likes collecting them… much the way he enjoys collecting revenge porn.
I didn’t read the article because fuck those guys, but I suspect it’s literally true that Trump passed because he was concerned about the effect on his reputation.
A blanket pardon would forgive all his Federal crimes, even those undisclosed to the President. I have to give Gaetz credit, he or his lawyer, was thinking ahead.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) asked the White House for blanket pre-emptive pardons for himself and unidentified congressional allies for any crimes they may have committed
Undated pardons, of course, because what’s the point of being pardoned if you can’t do the sweet, sweet crimnin’ again and again?