NYT: Bolton Told Barr He Was Worried Trump Was Doing Favors For Xi, Erdogan | Talking Points Memo

Though I did

A) Unless folks understand what’s at stake for the next four years, Trump isn’t going anywhere. He gets to gloat and strut, but after this week (?), it’s on the voters.

B) Bolton didn’t want this to come out now. It was going to and it would have singed him, but the best thing from this is that he’s now an example of ETTD.


Mitch has assured them that every little thing is going to be alright.


I dozed off.

Considering that it’s Dobbs, I’m almost scared to watch now.


Mos Eisley called. They want their hive back.


The difference between a money launderer and a hedge fund manager is just how the principal was obtained. Was it an actual crime, or an outrage rendered all the more outrageous for not being illegal?

So I really want to know what favor, within this international cobweb of quids and quos, did Ergodan give up to whom, for his license to hunt Kurds.


Hang it from the TP prongs in a carnival porta-potty.

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Are you saying he’s going to go through some things?


Everyone thought it would be Stormy, so I’m not thinking this will be it either.


…if only they’d give him the shove.


As Pelosi sort of said at the beginning of this, “I don’t care if he gets impeached. I just want him in jail.” Let’s keep our priorities straight.


And Mitch never lies…

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Nah, Trump’s hive is too wretched for Mos Eisley. Those villains have a bit of pride and a touch of class that’s completely missing from Trump’s hive.

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Maybe not. But at the very least, the Rs are going to have to twist themselves into knots of rationalization as to why they can’t call witnesses, and it will all be relived again when the book comes out in March (as I understand it).

I think that an acquittal after this becomes even more of a Pyrrhic victory for the Rs.


“And I’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”


The real danger is if another proto-fascist comes along but is smarter, charming, and not as transparently corrupt as Trump. The Deplorable, racist, and natavist base is there for the fleecing.

I will never write-off these criminals. They’ve seen what Trump has created and there will be many eager to curry the allegiance that he’s accrued. Another “leader” is out there with scheming aspirations.



What this piece doesn’t say, nor Bolton’s book apparently, is what Trump wanted in return for these various favors. Because you just know Trump isn’t going to do a favor for anyone for nothing.

" Bolton Told Barr He Was Worried Trump Was Doing Favors For Xi And Erdogan"

Were they worried that they weren’t getting their cut?

There is going to be a lot of clean up once the rotund bastard leaves office. Whomever the nominee is will have to create a task force to go through all the Trump years, removing his hires and undoing their policy initiatives. Much like Trump is doing with Obama, but for patriotic rather than self-serving reasons.

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