NYC, Seattle, Portland Are ‘Permitting Anarchy’ Because They Snubbed Feds, Barr Whines

In the latest episode of President Donald Trump’s months-long effort to paint liberal cities as violent, lawless hellholes, Attorney General Bill Barr on Monday declared that New York City, Seattle and Portland were “permitting anarchy.”

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Funny how just a few years ago resisting federal officers performing their mandated responsibilities on federal property was just fine and dandy with these folks.

(Edit to add: I am in no way suggesting that protesters are equivalent to the sniper-douche in the picture, or to the anti-government clowns he associated with.)


In Portland, where this summer’s surge in federal forces came despite local opposition, Barr noted the city council’s June vote to slash $15 million from the police budget. (The current police budget is more than $240 million, and COVID-19 has gutted tax revenue.)

How dare Portland slash the police department’s budget while there are mass evictions to be performed, and properties to be grabbed, and don’t forget that the police are on the front lines in war against COVID-19. It Portland is allowed to do this then how many more will jump on their bandwagon?
Oh the :scream::scream::scream:


Barr made a vague threat about stripping federal funds from the cities as punishment

Since when has disBarr been in charge of doling out federal funds?


Minor editing error: Inslee is the Governor of Washington, not Oregon.


Yeah well just wait. Y’all have pushed me to the point where I’m ready to join up and burn this country down.

Has the fat motherfucker dropped dead? Where’s my torch?


I’d say what I think about this guy but it would violate the immutable internet rule that states that you should imagine that your mom will read everything you write, and act accordingly.


Barr is a Trump regime apparatchik and campaign functionary. He’s literally not Attorney General of the U.S.


Fk 'em. ‘States Rights’ until they want to screw YOU. Barr and Trump are rotten to the core. Revenge filled petty aholes. DO IT. And then go sht in your cap wanting federal dollars.


We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance,” Barr said

Well, I can think of a few personnel cuts that would provide significant savings.


1 / Remember when a fundamental concern of GOP Constitutional interpretation was a fear of federal overreach and an extreme fondness for local/States’ Rights? Yeah, neither does Barr. Douchebag.

2 / Please notice that Charlottesville, Boise, Utah, etc are not in the same trouble for harboring Nazis, Skinheads, Bugaloo Bois and Lawless Bundys.


The money that Congress intended to go to the cities will instead go into a special “Trump Law-and-Order” fund, to be administered by Jared Kushner to cities and individuals that are rightfully grateful for The Leader’s help.


Nice city ya got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.


““It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens,” he added.”

In the Great Book of the Age of the Orange Pall, Irony will cover many chapters and hold endless citations.


Barr and Trump will still take our taxes though right? The CHOP is gone, Trump deployed federal goons to Portland who tear gassed and beat up Moms and vets. The country and world were horrified when federal goons cleared Lafayette Park for Trump’s Bible photo caper. This is not a winning strategy.


This doesn’t seem like a stand alone statement. Is it a prelude to deploying US Military personnel on the streets of America, in other words, martial law — just in time for the election?


So, now we’ve reached the stage where not supporting the wannabe President For Life has become “anarchy”.

Barr has surrendered any shred of respectability or credibility as Attorney General. He’s now reduced himself to being nothing more than Trump’s personal tool. How does this guy even make a pretense of being a lawyer?


“We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted…”


End welfare for red states. After 150 years, it’s clear they have no interest in solving their problems, and have become comfortable with handouts.


As funding is cut, causing the cities to be broke, they are unable to send tax funds to the Fed gov. They need it to fund the police depts.

Easy enough to fund something on paper but not release the money - just like Trump does.


Bill may bark, but we will bite.