NYC, Seattle, Portland Are ‘Permitting Anarchy’ Because They Snubbed Feds, Barr Whines

Had his teeth fallen out in that photo? Asking for a friend.


We better. And hard.


Another simple solution is to fully fund police depts with large increase in social workers/mental health personnel within the department. Move funding from one area to another.

They could fund housing for the homeless to lower crime rates. Funds for drug rehab are needed. There are many sub-departments inside the police department.


At some point blue state America will just have to take its ball and tax base and go home. Fascist chicanery cannot be accepted as the coin of the realm.


I reside in outer borough NYC. Since the pandemic the avenue around the corner from me is closed off for bikers and pedestrians. People are having Zumba and Yoga sessions there every morning.
Yeah some anarchy.


“We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted,” Attorney General William P. Barr said in a statement.

Umm the emoluments clause please. The laws are being broken from inside the house.


So the Attorney General is threatening to withhold funding from cities with Democratic mayors, because “anarchy.” One, congress does funding. Two, “anarchy” has no legal status.

A few years back, this would have been a passage in a dystopian novel. Now it’s Monday morning.


I agree. It can no longer be accepted. They have destroyed this government and the constitution. Destroyed it. I’m so ready to burn this place down.


I kind of think misidentifying the state a person is governor is falls beyond the range of “minor error”. Especially in light of the topic of the article.


And how can there even be such a thing as “anarchy jurisdiction”? The very terms are contradictory.


Shhh, Dani. The dragons know the truth of who lies, causes death and war here. Don’t let the mad king take you with him.


Exactly. Point is, if one wants respect, be respectable. Increase education and certification for all law enforcement. Exacting accountability serves everyone.


Whaaaaaaa! I wanna sit on libtards’ heads and fart last night’s burrito on them! Not fair!

The more he talks, the more he resembles his boss. 20 IQ points are all that really separate them.


I’m on a project team setting up a 150-job brand new technical facility there. The shell is built now over the past year and we’re finishing the inside now. Everything has been peachy and all the people have been super wonderful. Barr can suck it with his jibber jabber.


I think in general it would be good to keep the money in separate entities. Even if you try to diversify the police to have departments that handle different kinds of issues (actual policing, social work, homelessness, etc.), you depend on the administration not using one of the departments they don’t like as a slush fund for others that they support. There’s all sorts of chicanery you can pull when the money is all under one umbrella which is harder to do if they are different organizations completely.


Hey, you’ve just identified a public road that fossil fuel-burning SUVs were not permitted to drive down. Sounds like anarchy to me. Barr is pretty sure it’s in the Constitution (and if we can’t find it now, just give him a night with his can of paint and a bottle of vodka; it’ll be there in the morning).


Just do it “in name only”. Easy enough to have a Chief of Social Services, Chief of Homeless Eradication, Chief of … And make them equal to the Chief of Police, reporting to the Mayor as equals. City Councils set budgets and sub-budgets by line item.


My pal in Portland, OR says it’s the Black Bloc fomenting the violence. Thugs dressed all in black with their faces covered.

My theory is that the people behind this Black Bloc chicanery (and Barr knows all about it you can bet) can only find a limited number of people to wreck this havoc. So, they are confined to Portland and perhaps a couple of other places.

At some point, somebody will expose these idiots, or the FBI will infiltrate them, as well they should before they produce another Timothy McVeigh.


I’m having trouble locating the part of the US Constitution that gives the DoJ and the AG the power of the purse.

Anybody able to cite the passage for me?


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