Nunes Says He Got A Call From A Number Belonging To Lev Parnas’ Wife, Spoke To ‘Someone’ | Talking Points Memo

Devin sez, talk to the tail.

Trump’s guilt is already undeniable. The problem is somewhere near 45-48% just don’t care.

These people will ape whatever position Faux News tells them to.

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Not plausible.

Both participants on the call would have to be Canadian for something like that to happen. Also, there are no fake dairy farmers in Canada (we cannot understand how that can even be a thing) and the only grift in our Ukrainian community involves price fixing of perogies.


It’s not just to keep people from stealing the statues?

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How did he KNOW it was Parnas’ wife? Please.


Should such an overthrow come to fruition, much time would pass before any historian could offer an objective assessment of how it occurred. When that time would come, historians would speak/write little about the role of the Republican Party and focus their attention on how oligarchs conspired to quash democracy and, in so doing, destroyed the very society that gave them the peace and security (protection of law) to enjoy their wealth.

The Republican Party is merely an instrument. The real blame falls at the feet of the rather stupid rich people pulling the strings. The paradox of power is that the more you assert it, the more you find yourself with unintended (and generally unwelcome) consequences.


Wow. Listen to him. He doesn’t deny talking to Parnas. This is basically a lesson in deflecting and sounding like you are answering the question. He is SO guilty.


I ALWAYS answer unknown numbers!

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Boy, you Canadians are polite and sane! I want to live in Canada, somewhere cosmopolitan, maybe Toronto. But given how badly the U.S.A has treated the rest of the world, I would certainly understand why Canada might have some misgivings about that.

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Once Trump was elected, we’d hoped that his utter incompetence (so many bankruptcies!) would lead him to build a wall at our border. But alas, no.

Most of us have overcome the shock. And we’ve come to view half of the People of the US as battered spouses eligible for refugee applications. We can’t take you all immediately and will prioritize those who are not of “nude” colour, speak a language other than English, can skate, or recognize the purpose - and divinity stature - of a hockey stick.

We are, after all, a country with an established religion: hockey. But we recognize basketball as our improvised creation from their being “too much snow on the @#$&ing rink! How can we play this fast passed game in a gym.” And give it equal reverence.

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Dev keeps digging the hole deeper. Schiff has the phone logs and I have a feeling the call did not come from Parnas’s wife.

Noones has foot in mouth disease badly.

Uh yeah I had a call with someone about something at some time for some reason.

The Insanity Defense is Strong in This One

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said on Sunday he had gotten a call from a number connected to Lev Parnas’ wife and spoke to “someone,” but did not say whom.

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
He must be from the eff-ess-bey

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Someone needs to enforce the rule of law here. This guy is blatantly lying, all the while acting the gatekeeper. We look like fools as long as Nunes is one of the guys running the show. He is breaking the law. Someone make him pay for his deeds, or we are an international punch bag. It’s becoming an issue of national security.

Devin is clearly a liar.

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I don’t know what had happened. Someone had bludgeoned several people with MY machete. I was just helping to clean up the mess when the police arrived.


Hmmmmmm…interesting thought, however unlikely (Snopes rates it “unproven”).

However, it does boggle the mind to think she’d have gotten into the US under an “Einstein” visa without someone somewhere financing it. She spent a single year at a university meaning she flunked out the final exams (if she even attempted them) – at most European universities at that time, there were no grades (or attendance) except for cramming for and passing the exams at the end of the academic year, so she could have partied the whole time.

She certainly made no waves at all in the modelling world, so clearly she wasn’t a Wunderkind ih her “profession”.

Her oft-cited gift for languages is clearly a joke – learning a little bit of vocabulary and a few schoolbook phrases in another language doesn’t mean you “speak” it. One need only listen to her halting scarcely more than broken English after, what, 20 years?, to see how ungifted she is linguistically.

So, yes, it makes sense that there is another reason behind the visa she received. Sadly, though, I doubt we’ll ever find out the real reason behind it. But an Epstein-like sugar daddy arrangement would certainly be a logical assumption considering her lack of any particular talent…

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Some of the Republicans are starting to realize that Schiff is a lot better prosecutor than they are criminals

He is paddling as fast as he can to spin the known problems while trying to guess about what else may come out that may further contradict him. They have him by the short hairs (Or in Nunes’ case, maybe the long ones) and he knows it

Shamelessness, greed and the ability to follow instructions seem to be the desired traits when buying congresspeople

Well said

Double O Devin is not a very good operative - if you want to be a clever and deceitful manipulator, you have to be clever, so obviously he is missing the primary ingredient.

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