Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) campaign dropped the lawsuit it filed against several constituents who accused him of being a “fake farmer,” the Fresno Bee reported.
Popehat’s explainer on why civil RICO is largely a joke and a stunt, such that many judges force the plaintiff to answer a series of questions proving they actually understand the very narrow circumstances in which it applies:
It’s been widely reported that Nunes’ family dairy farm is actually located in Iowa.
What’s been widely reported, specifically in Esquire, is that his family employs undocumented workers AKA “illegal immigrants,” just like 98% of the other dairy farms in Iowa.
I expect the suit to be refiled against them in Virginia and then, just like the Fresno Bee, they will never be served.
Not really. The lawsuit against twitter and two twitter parody accounts continues in Virginia. The Virginia judge is supposed to decide in the next week whether that is the appropriate venue, or California, where Nunes allegedly lives and represents in congress, and where twitter’s TOS require any suits be filed.
On that great come and get it day, when the Reckoning for Trump and his minions finally arrives, there is a short list of bit players in this abomination from whom I will take great schadenfreuderific delight. Nunes is at the apex of that list.
Yes. Which, when multiplied by every other state, tells us all we need to know about the true and actual seriousness of the immigration “problem.” It is useful to Republicans only as a demagogic stick.