Nunes Claims Trump Won’t Return To Twitter Even If Musk Buys It

Some people on here seem to be of the belief that we should completely ignore past behavior and words as a predictor for possible future actions.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou


Legendary sea monster. Would be kind of an obscure reference, but there was a line in some cheesy 80s movie about greek mythology in which some villain or other stopped chewing the scenery long enough to memorably bellow “Release the Kraken!”


And the conviction seems equal that his Twitter account is as powerful as Sauron’s Ring, and will render him the demonic master of the entire universe forever, because nothing has changed, the clock gets reset to 2015 and everything will play out as it did before. Imagine how some of our friends here would feel if they lived in Ukraine and had actual problems, actual horrific experiences. It’s fucking embarrassing, to be honest. And anyone who wants to hate on me for saying that, feel free, but know that I don’t fucking care. Better you should calm the fuck down. Trump getting his stupid Twitter account back would not be the end of the motherfucking world.


I’d rather they just raided his offices and apartment. But he’s probably moved everything out of state, to a friendly state where extradition (or whatever the term that applies to documents) will be hard to enforce. Could she file suit in federal court to compel turning over the docs or get the FBI to obtain them? I have no idea how this works.

There is no such thing as “libertarian ideology”. It’s just a fancy term for I get to do whatever the fuck I want to do.




Trump is mostly going after Never Trumpers now. I actually think that makes his return to Twitter a good thing. More Republican infighting is a good thing.


Love the Audi eTrons. My last three have been regular hybrids, my next will be a plug in hybrid. I’ll be able to run on battery for 90% of the trips I make, but can also take long road trips without having to worry about plugging in. And I’m trying to collect as many acronyms as I can— PHEV AWD SUV (compact).

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This. If Trump not having a Twitter is the only thing keeping the lights on then God help us.


The Ukrainians are fighting for their democracy.

…and dragging us along whether we like it or not…including Trumpers, 'cause they are Americans, too.


It just never stops, the insanity. How much did that sick fuck Trump go on and on about women with their mouths taped shut?


I’ve been harping on this for weeks to the point of annoyance, but there’s an inherent danger in the gradual consolidation of social media under a few monstrously rich and powerful owners. Some have already rolled out software that hides or deletes comments and postings that trigger all sorts of semi-arbitrary rules. YouTube is notorious for this, hiding comments that are too long, too frequent, that contain links even to other YouTube videos, or certain keywords well beyond the obvious ones. The idea appears to be to curate commentary in ways that attract the widest possible viewership and subscribers, and keep out anything that might drive some away. But it could just as well happen on Twitter, FB, Instagram, and so on. They could also, if they don’t already, give users a way to filter out content and comments by anyone who meets certain criteria, based on their public profiles or posting history. We end up with de facto censorship and yet more self-selected sub-communities walled off from others. So much for the public square. More like public cubicles, adjacent to but separate from each other, countless echo chambers with no connection to each other. And, of course, the owners get to push whatever they like down peoples’ throats, and have the tools to make it believable and compelling. The Big Lie gets to use the world’s biggest megaphone to win the public over.


I may start using this as my preferred Trump acronym: SFT


There is no such state. And extradition only applies to people. If you try at this point to do anything to the evidence that you are in contempt of court for not turning over, you compound your legal problems exponentially. You can’t just hide shit that the court knows exists and has ordered you to turn over - that’s why he is in contempt now.


The good news is that the Trump offices, and accountants, are still in NYC.


Yep. And the more inevitable pushback and distancing he gets, the more he’ll lash out. He seems to have forgotten about the Democrats, mostly. His real, poisonous beefs are all with Republicans.



As flattering as that is, we have an awful lot of Trump acronyms already and it’s becoming counterproductively confusing IMHO.


He always doubles down on things he shouldn’t even have singled down on.


As we marvel at the text messages, a reminder that these are communications to and from the chief of staff to the president of the United States. For two and a half months, the peak of the executive branch of the U.S. government was in the hands of conspirators and coup plotters.

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) April 25, 2022

Sure he can try anything.

But we all know - this is not the first time the man has been in court. He really does get that judges have power.