National Public Radio announced it will no longer post content on its 52 official Twitter accounts, saying they refuse to use the platform as it “undermine[d] our credibility by falsely implying that we are not editorially independent.”
NPR’s exit reveals Twitter is slowly declining in relevance and usefulness. Elmo’s bizarre objective to convert Twitter into a right wing cesspool is coming to fruition, albeit at the cost of wiping out the $40 billion he and his gullible investors used to buy it.
I don’t know why more media sites don’t collectively give up on twitter. I know its a place for one-stop-shopping of information but there are other up-and-coming social media sites that need support it seems.
Frankly, if more news sites just got rid of the free advertisement for twitter at the top of every article, along with maybe their facebook link, they wouldn’t look so dumb complaining about how it’s all gone to shit now. Stick a few more icons and links up there TPM if other social media strikes your fancy these days. I don’t log onto social media so basically it really doesn’t affect me all that much. Yeah, I read certain twitter feeds but if a real migration does take place the least they can do is guide people to it.
But Fox News isn’t “state-affiliated”. How bout then “Wholly owned by one political party” on every Fox post. And what about the truth? Elon couldn’t care less. He’s all for the racists and neo-Nazis at Fox and other right-wing “media” outles, but insists he’s “unbiased” when attacking–and his crap with NPR is an attack by the owner of the site himself–anything that strives for objectivity and honesty. What a low stinking piece of poo Elon Musk is. A liar and a bigot exactly like his low greedy vicious lying buddies at Fox and at Mar a Lago.
Good! A friend of mine manages a public radio station in Kentucky. They suspended their Twitter usage last week. Every media outlet with respect for the profession should follow NPR’s lead.
Elon Musk’s need to constantly feed his ego is greater than his business sense, desire to make a profit, and to just be a good and decent person. Gee, it reminds me of someone else…
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I think f-elon is scared of NPR’s real power, which is to educate and inform citizens in the public interest and for the common good. That used to be the ethical standards of good journalism, as opposed to the infotainment and profit-driven media that has proliferated over the years.
I believe all of f-elon’s ventures were gov’t supported startups of one kind or another, weren’t they? His Space-X and Tesla all had seed money from the gov’t I thought. He’s one to talk about ‘state-run’ or ‘state-affiliated’ whatever that means. Its not an arm of the state and he knows it…or he really is as dumb as he looks.
Anyway…he’s afraid of NPR because it has the power to go local and if there’s one thing Pukes can’t stand its letting local communities hear the unvarnished truth without all the bullshit propaganda.
All government agencies, journalists and everyone else who wants credibility should program a bot to tweet daily, “We do not comment or publish content on Twitter. The security of their purportedly verified accounts cannot be trusted. Anyone tweeting in our name after such and such date, is falsely impersonating us and their content should be assumed fraudulent.”
No actual journalistic agency should use Twitter.
I don’t use it, not even to watch news videos. Won’t touch it.
Nobody should use it…
Including your site, Josh.