Every self-respecting journalist should pull up stakes and leave Twitter. I used to go to Twitter to find the latest news and get some insight. Like a lot of independents, I get my news my NPR. I also I have found on Youtube, not only PBS, but also the BBC, the German DW (in English), and the Spanish RTVE. Since the Authoritarian Rich Entitled White Nationalist (AREWN - pronounced aryan) took over Twitter, it has been less informative and fun. I may check in once a week instead of daily like I used to but I am trying out other platforms like mastodon and Spoutible( which is easier to use). I hope that actual journalists leave Twitter for a different platform. Twitter is devolving into another Parler and Truth Social. It is time to leave that sinking ship
That’s precisely why they’re all still there though. Takes a special kind of self-loathing to spend your life chasing access to corruption, douchebaggery and abuse of power just so you can be adjacent to it.
I did qualify who should be leaving - there are so many unethical so-called journalists including those at the propaganda networks like OAN and Fox that the taint should leave them screaming into the void. Ah, now that is a nice image.
More, please.
Every serious news organization should leave Twitter. Actually, should have left Twitter a while back, but it’s never too late.
I’ll be happy when the Titter bird, because Apartheid Elon has changed the name, is no longer in evidence on the TPM homepage.
The guy that must be feeling suicidal is Matt Taibbi, he sold out to Musk, and on top of that Musk exposed him and kicked him out of twitter…
If he could wipeout the remainder of his wealth I wouldn’t have to see his stupid face.
This is a the right decision by NPR. They made a mistake in requesting Melon Mush’s seal of approval. Instead the right wing megalomaniac gave them the bird.
I would love to see a bigger exodus, but I’ll give TPM and Josh a pass for the time being. They haven’t been purposely misidentified on Twitter (AFAIK) like NPR was, and no one could read either feed and think TPM is in Musk’s pocket or a fan in any way. If legit tweets have been blocked, then I’d say they should go ahead and pull out. I have no idea if that has happened because the only time I see twitter is through links.
Reach is important.
NPR should be applauded, but they only did this, when it effected them.
As my mother would have had it, when you lay down with dogs, you wake up with Russian intelligence assets, er, fleas.
A reminder, though an outlet/possible competitor exists (Spoutable), it’s easy for folks to yell for small press outlets to quit Twitter.
Easy to yell, but hard to do.
Newton’s last tweet was yesterday.
I honestly think one of the rightwing moguls got to him and convinced Musk that he’d be saving it from liberal bias, but really they were interested in eliminating free and EXTREMELY fast media <insert jpg of him at the super bowl and/or snark about Saudi money>. I refuse to believe he’s in on the actual plan and just a useful rich idiot & bad person.
Possible compromise. Wasn’t he obsessed with going to Mars before he got all googly-eyed for Twitter? Maybe we could just slap him in a SpaceX rocket and send him on his way?
Call me an old fart, but I’ve never had a Twitter account and only find myself there because someone posts a link that takes me there. I have never felt like I’ve been missing out on a damn thing. There’s always YouTube and Reddit if I want to be mindlessly amused and Instagram only if desperate.
As much as I despise Musk, until something comes along that is as all-encompassing and has the reach, Twitter is still the best place for non-profits (such as animal rescue organizations) for real-time content and communication.
NPR has been a major whipping boy of the hard right for decades, who seem to believe that if they provide 1% of funding they should have 100% control of the content. This is their philosophy on every single thing they approach. Anything that disagrees or criticizes them is not only suspect but treasonous.
I am guessing Elon is having someone run the number for what it would cost to purchase and ruin NPR. In the meantime, I am doubling my monthly contribution of $5 all the way up to 10.
That account and its affiliates are doing a timeout. The ball’s currently in Twitter’s court, but NPR didn’t delete its presence.