Now Corporations Are Beginning To Line Up Against Texas’ Restrictive Voting Bills, Too | Talking Points Memo

A pair of far-reaching elections bills that would make voting more difficult in Texas are attracting ire of the Lone Star State’s business community.

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Stop donating to the Republican Party.


Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick (R) put out a statement claiming that just before American Airlines issued its criticism, a company lobbyist told him they had not yet read the bill.

“Texans are fed up with corporations that don’t share our values trying to dictate public policy,” he said.

Well that is actually true. He just doesn’t understand it the same way the rest of us do.


Patrick’s values are getting indicted. I’ll reserve getting excited about this until the oil and gas industries start condemning it. That’s where the real power in Tejas is.


How about using Citizens United for citizens good, not GQP evil?


Dang, here we Texans are again, showing our asses and demonstrating our abject stupidity for all the world to see. I guess I’ll half to trot out the age old defense ’ please remember it’s not all of us "… And to make note that the statement from the Lt Governor carries more weight than you might think. In Texas the Lt Governor is the true political power, the Lt Governor and the Speaker of the House control which bills come to the floor for votes and can kill any legislation they want to simply by ignoring bills written. A screwy system dating back to Reconstruction days.


Yeah, but let’s not forget Dan Patrick’s a deadbeat who hasn’t paid Pennsylvania the money he promised anyone who provided evidence of voter fraud.


How about getting rid of the frigging thing entirely?


Texas again.The President stepped in on this one.


Yeah but you love all the money we bring in don’t you Dan?


I think of it as we are held hostage by a specific group of people who will do anything to cling to power. That segment has been around since Texas became a thing.They exhibit the idea they own it all and the rest of us are beholden to them. Lot of money concentrated into few hands.


Wow, way to go, Joe.


Sorta describes the whole country, really.

Lots of companies are betting big on Texas. The growing sprawl outside of Austin is a testament to it. Elon Musk’s massive cybertruck plant in progress as well. I wonder, besides some grumbling, if these corporations (including the one I work for) will actually DO anything? I think the Texodus is too big to fail for all of them.


It is difficult to see how they could do anything else…public opinion,the reality of radical state legislators overtly restricting and perverting voting rights obviously aimed at minorities is a bridge too far…as usual the threat of financial ramifications is the stick…no carrot was ever considered .


Comments that put big corps on the right side of history are cool but they need to put money where their mouths are. That will get the attention of the Texan politicians when their campaign war chests dry up.


The Senate bill takes aim at several ways Harris County — home to Houston — made voting easier in 2020

Trump increased his vote margin in Harris County by 1.1% in 2020. Meanwhile, in Dallas County, where we didn’t do anything remotely close to Harris County’s efforts to expand access, we dropped that motherfucker by an additional 1.2%. So I can’t figure why all these dumbass Republicans are trying to suppress their own dumb voters.


This filming of voters who need assistance is going to back fire. Some untrained yahoo is going to share their video on a social media platform causing a ruckus over their misunderstanding of a legitimate process. This argument will somehow come down to the sanctity voting booth, with the voter needing help to cast a vote doesn’t negate their right to a privacy while casting their ballot.


I would much prefer to just forget about Dan Patrick altogether. But he keeps popping his fool head up… :frowning_face:


It used to be that big business was the “go to” for the Goobers. They loved the big corps and their money. But now it seems democracy is in the balance and losing that is an infrastructure bridge too far. There actually are certain bridges mentioned in the big infrastructure bill the Goobers will vote against. The bill means tons of money for Kentucky and McConnell is gonna tell his people to vote against it. It’s a petulant and irrational stance.