North Carolina Supreme Court Secretly Squashed Discipline of Two GOP Judges Who Admitted to Violating Judicial Code

Originally published at: North Carolina Supreme Court Secretly Squashed Discipline of Two GOP Judges Who Admitted to Violating Judicial Code - TPM – Talking Points Memo

This article first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Last fall, out of public view, the North Carolina Supreme Court squashed disciplinary action against two Republican judges who had admitted that they had violated the…

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Mostly this comment is an attempt to see if I can comment on a front page story.

As far as the article about the NC supreme court goes, all I can say is both the court and the judges who violated the judicial code of conduct are freakin’ bastards.


Checking to see if the above comment‘s appearance was a fluke.

And, yeah, this article, while pissing me off, is no surprise.

Which pisses me off even more.



What? A judge doing whatever the hell it feels like with no regard for “law”? But all the legal eagles here told me that was unpossible!


They “abruptly dropped” all that good investigating they’d been doing, eh?

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Testing comment 1… 2… 3…

Is this thing on?


When you appoint judges based solely on their commitment to a dysfunctional ideology of greed and entrenched predation, you’ll get some bad apples. The first thing all these traitors do is stop consenting to the limits on their power. The second thing they do is carve their own power in stone.

The system is now too broken to be fixed within the rules. Impeachments at the federal level have been categorically impossible since 2016. National democracy is broken, because multiple statehouses have arrogated the power to dictate election results. It’s the Byrd Machine 3.0 writ large.

Someday soon, even old age will be unable to save us, because medical science is working overtime to unlock functional immortality, and scumbags like Murdoch and Koch and Musk and even Bezos are chomping at the bit to live for 300 years.

I’ve been saying for a while that we will see the end of American democracy in our lifetimes. But I’m realizing that it already ended. We’re just in the messy transition period between the United States’ deeply flawed representative democracy, and the Chilean-style democracy-theatre that Charles Koch shipped to Pinochet.

It wasn’t fun while it lasted.


Are there any Republicans anywhere that aren’t total scumbags and scammers?


Freedom! Freedom to comment and like activated!


Also working at getting back in, viewing & contributing comments. Somehow unsurprised to find that judges are prone to the same faults as human beings who are not judges.

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I don’t know about the tit for tat between Earls and Newby, except it proves why a state shouldn’t elect partisan justices, but the beginning stories about the trial court judges needed to be made public. Both have serious problems controlling their courtrooms. I would imagine these were not isolated cases.



Men domesticated dogs. Cats domesticated men.


Testing just to be sure I’m fully signed in. Thanks to ProPublica for shining light on the NC justice system.




Imagine the outrage from the right if any lefties were to get a pass on accountability.

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I see the folks at Slate are not thinking straight:

a disillusionment with conservative orthodoxies that could put her vote up for grabs in cases much more important than a trademark dispute

She’s probably just sore that her illegal gift package isn’t as splendid as Clarence Thomas’s. Perhaps she even turned it down when it was initially offered to her, not realizing how unprecedented and unnecessary that was.

But now she’s had a year of ProPublica showing her exactly how pampered her colleague is, and Thomas isn’t even pretending to put in the work to maintain a facade of intelligence or legitimacy.

Equal parts glass ceiling, older generation hoarding opportunities, and finding out you sold yourself on the cheap. (Incidentally, all problems we’ve historically had to turn to SCOTUS to fix. The irony!)


Resting 123456…

It’s alive! Hope to see you tomorrow.

And this is not what I wanted to read before I went to bed. :angry:


This is a direct result of the majority on the NCSC going Republican in the last election. The previous Dem Majority SC has disciplined judges who violated standards. Now that the Crooked Rethugs are in the majority, they are going to protect their Rethug judges no matter how egregious their conduct is.
If you give power to venal and small minded men, they will abuse it every time.