No, Trump Is Not The 'Father Of IVF'

Originally published at: No, Trump Is Not The ‘Father Of IVF’

Papa fertilization really stepped in it Wednesday when trying to convince a group of women that his supposed ardent support for in-vitro fertilization is a genuine, long-held political position — and not a bandwagon he hopped on when it became a convenient middle ground for damage control on his abortion record this campaign cycle. During…


Hey, what’s your star sign?

Pyrex. I’m a test tube baby.


Hey! That’s an old Mike Binder joke, circa 1984.

And I still owe him breakfast. Long story. You had to be there.


Nicole, thank you for the humorous spin you put on articles about trump. Enjoyed today’s arricle, especially how it opens up after that eye-catching headline.


He probably thinks IVF is the same procedure he used to create his kids.

Low information politician.


He’s such a f*cking moron, and if Faulkner was an actual journalist she’d take the opportunity to teach him that the IVF issue isn’t about policy, it’s just an actual consequence of the GOP’s push to abolish abortion. Trump now claims to like IVF, but his actions put it at risk, so how is he going to fix it, and why did he not listen to people warning him that this would happen?


“Father of IVF”? Yeah, and I’m Queen of all the Russias. This man is so clearly demented; why can no one say the emperor has no clothes? I really don’t understand it.


“I’m the father of IVF.” Reminds me of this very insecure kid who lived up the block when I was seven or eight, who used to tell us “My dad is the President.”


“I’m the father of IVF!”
“We really are the party for IVF."

and yet, the father of IVF had to be taught on the subject:
“Explain IVF very quickly” “within about two minutes.”

Missing from this account is that Senate Republicans blocked pro-IVF bills TWICE


Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Sir Robert Edwards were actually the “fathers” of IVF, developing the technique that created the first “test-tube baby” with mother Louise Brown in 1978. A lot of science went behind this. I only know all of this because I worked on behalf of veterans for 20 years to ensure IVF coverage. Since 2016, Congress has authorized the VA to provide IVF coverage. This is really important for DoD as well to allow service members and beneficiaries to freeze sperm and eggs if they might be exposed to teratogens or pollutants in theater. Father Fertility can just shove this claim up his shriveled asshole.


No point in transcribing the words when a firehose of bullshit that is his mouth opens: the stream of what comes out is known in advance and hardly bears repeating.


“We really are the party for IVF. We want fertilization and it is all the way, and the Democrats tried to attack us on it and we are out there on IVF even more than them. We are totally in favor of it,” he continued.

Only for white people.


OT: … that’s the story. The Arizona GOP isn’t satisfied trying to support Donald Trump, Kari Lake and other Arizona candidates. They’ve branched out into Colorado. (What the F***? AZ GOP Taking Over Funding Colorado Candidates! - TPM – Talking Points Memo )

Did someone give them a heads up about qualifying for the Golden Dukes?


To be fair, he probably had the same reaction when shown his actual children.

“Wait… so nine month later… she has a… a what now?”


100% he thinks “IVF” stands for IVanka’s Father.


“Nobody knows more about IVF than me. My uncle was a professor at MIT in their Department of IVF!”


It seems pretty clear that Trump does not understand the issue. He doesn’t understand why it’s threatened by anti-abortionists and embryo personhood advocates. He doesn’t understand the moral implications, at all. He doesn’t get it.

You can’t claim to be for IVF and opposed to abortion on the grounds that an embryo has the same rights as a human child. These positions contradict each other and cannot be reasonably reconciled (not that Republicans aren’t going to try).


The point is that Trump’ll sign into law a nationwide abortion ban that would also outlaw IVF. He just doesn’t care about the issue. He’ll pay lip service to it, but when push comes to shove he’s not going to do anything to actually protect it.


Yes, well I am the Zonker Harris of UVF, regardless of what Kari Lake says:

Lake expressed strong support for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, but referred to it as UVF three times.

She said: “I want to make sure that UVF is protected. I have many friends who are here, they’re my friends today because of UVF and I have many of my friends who have had children and experienced the joy of motherhood and parenthood because of UVF.”


I want to expand on this point. When I became a father, my position on abortion changed. I became pro-choice. All it took was threats to the health of my wife for me to change my mind and realize how stupid I was. It was much harder to change my opinion on IVF. My fear was fundamentally based on the belief that IVF was a gateway to eugenic practices. It was also based on a fear that the technology would be extremely expensive and restricted to the wealthy. Those two things combined would exacerbate our class divide. I still have those fears, but my reaction is that this technology should be widely available and covered by insurance, or even better, covered by our national health plan. This way, any benefit, even a eugenic benefit such as eliminating embryos with severe diseases, severe diseases like I have, would be accessible by all.

My point is not to debate these issues, but rather to point out that there is a great deal to talk about, a number of subtle issues, and moral implications that are not in the conversation.

All of this is boils down to one ignorant old man, who claims to be the father of a technology he just learned existed, despite it being around for the majority of his life.