President Trump’s decision to blow up talks over a relief package will deprive the COVID-19 vaccine distribution effort of billions of dollars in needed funds.
The QAnon nuts have it backwards. This is the satanic motherfucker right here. If I thought there were such a thing as hell, I’d want him to burn in it. Never has my TPM profile picture seemed more appropriate.
On a personal level, I feel like shit and I’m going to get tested Thursday. I hope it’s just a cold.
Pelosi has all of the leverage. Trump and McConnell face massive defeat in November, and a stimulus package, including billions for vaccine distribution, are key to any GOP chance of staying in power.
Are they just giving up? Or do they plan on Barr/DHS/Russia blatantly stealing the election? Or are Trump and Moscow Mitch so jaw droppingly incompetent they don’t see how this move seals the nails on their political coffins? Or do they plan to cave and pretend this is a victory for the Trump regime? Anyone here have any theories on what the motivations are?
And once again, our idiot-child “president,” now flying sky-high on steroids, throws a monkey wrench into any plan for the well being of the American People. How can anyone even consider voting for this mother-fucker?
Donald Trump is abrogating his duty to protect the American people. He is inhuman. His campaign for re-election takes precedence over the welfare of citizens?? WTF??? I loathe him!!
So this week Trump has personally hurt his WH staff, his secret service agents, Senate Republicans and other at his SCOTUS wet market, his donors at Bedminister, and now, Wall Street, and some millions of unemployed and/or struggling Trump voters. I don’t know who he’s going to try to hurt next, but I doubt he’s done. A winning strategy!
I do know who he won’t try to hurt, though. His ideal, his dream: Vlad the manly man.
Trump is a reality TV star and “reality TV” has little to do with actual reality.
That is Trump is betting on projecting an image of confidence and strength is more important than actually being confident and strong and will obscure the fact that he has no clue as to what he is doing or even what to do.
NOW is the time for the weenies in the Republican Party to stand the fk UP and tell Trump they are a co-equal branch of the government and help the people that elected them.