No Iowa Winner Declared Yet After Final Results Released, Sanders And Buttigieg Still In Virtual Tie

Oh, did you think we were going to find out who’s been officially declared the Iowa winner by now? Please.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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SO… if it’s a virtual tie, then I would have to say the Mayor Pete is the winner… Sanders had to be hoping for more than just a tie. The big loser would appear to be Biden.

Bottom line for me… a fine result. I would like to see both Sanders and Biden drop out. Joe, might… but Bernie never gonna happen, why should he do anything that’s good for the party, he’s not a Democrat.


Who cares? This is not even a primary election. It’s a caucus. We know what we know: Bernie held steady, Mayor Pete surged, Biden and Warren sagged and Klobuchar did not do enough better than expectations to excite people. (That last is too bad to me, because I’m looking at her seriously.) We wee never going to know more than that.


Forget it Jake…
It’s Iowa


Milquetoast centrism didn’t beat Trump the first time… let’s not try again.


Pete can add that to his commercials…
Vote for a Democrat
Seriously , if at any point Sanders had said I am running for the Democratic primary and have changed my affiliation from Independent to Democrat, I might look at him differently
But Noooo
Here Democrats is my bill of goods , that may or may not align with party values, vote for me


THIS. Seriously. All the rest is splitting hairs for some bragging rights. I cannot believe the screeching from the last couple of days. (But I do note it doesn’t seem to be coming from Pete’s camp…)

(And to those who are inevitably going to jump down my throat, yes, I realize it also plays into fundraising and stuff. But hard to see that one SDE more or one SDE less is going to be earthshattering for either Pete or Bernie…)



Caucuses are stupid and obsolete. (further proof, really)
Did anybody get to one in a horse & buggy?
Were the women wearing petticoats?
Did the app-shysters get paid? Let’s hope not.

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“Buttigieg lead by two SDEs with his total of 564 to Sanders’ 562, while Sanders lead the popular vote with his total of 45,826 to Buttigieg’s 43,195.”

Where are TPM’s copy editors?


“The reason why I think it’s important is because I want to make sure that every Iowa voter knows that their vote was counted,” he said. “And I want to make sure every voter across this country knows that their vote was counted and that we take our commitment to accuracy very seriously.”

Perez is a monster /s


Iowa has a substantial Amish population, so it’s possible. :sunglasses:


I think this is fantastic news as it takes away the artificial/made-up importance of Iowa in the primaries process.


If Bernie got the most votes, that should be all that matters. Of course, the stupid “delegates” system is what everyone wants to point to, but just like HRC getting 3 million more votes than Drumpf, Bernie gets the most popular votes in IA, but somehow it’s a “tie”. Mayo Pete did not win, he lost. Period. Bernie will crush in NH, too. Nate Silver predicts that Bernie will be the nominee.

Hard to tell if the problem lies with not paying attention to verb tense or number – or homonyms.

In any case, I believe those are taught by middle school at the latest… :smirk:


their vote was counted

Unlike in the Republican Party.

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Got it, berniebro.

If that were the case, we’d not bother with States at all, since Iowa’s population isn’t even a borough in NYC.

Give it a rest, already.


Of course, Nate also predicted that Aged Orange had only 1 chance in 3 of winning the presidency just a few days out from the election, so… :wink:

Models are models, and not reality. Plus there’s a whole lot of time between now and then. Will that still be the case if there’s another heart attack (dog forbid)?


Pete won. The IA Dem Party will report the SDE totals with Pete in the lead. They might re-canvas or not. There are counting errors everywhere, but given that Pete won many more counties than Bernie, I think he would end up being the beneficiary of any recount. According to Nate Cohn, Pete will get 2 more convention delegates than Bernie out of IA, and so he will both be declared the winner of the caucus and get the most delegates out of the caucus. He won. That’s it.

Now Bernie has a fight on his hands in IA. Pete is getting a nice bounce and I do think both Biden and Liz will do better there than in IA if they have a good debate tonight. It’s quite possible that the NH result will look a lot like the IA result, and that would be great from my perspective.


More serious than the grammatical errors are the factual ones. The article says:

The final results have Buttigieg and Sanders winning 26.1% and 26.2% of Iowa’s SDEs, respectively; the same razor-thin difference seen earlier on Thursday when 97% of precincts had reported their votes.

As a matter of fact, it is Buttigieg with 26.2% and Sanders with 26.1% of the SDEs, which is the basis of Buttigieg’s claim (noted in the article) of having “won” Iowa.

