Newly Revealed COVID Death Is Last Nail In Coffin Of Trump’s Failed China Ban | Talking Points Memo

By Feb. 2, it was already too late.

That’s the day President Trump issued his travel ban on China, the first high-profile policy dedicated to fighting COVID on a national level. Upon their return, infected Americans were quarantined on military bases around the country, and met by dedicated CDC teams.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think this isn’t the right argument to make. You don’t need to dwell on the China travel ban because we already know it was a failure. You don’t have to overthink this. Before the ban: a handful of cases. After the ban: 60,000 deaths and 1 million cases (by early next week). A ban is supposed to stop bad stuff from coming in that could hurt us. Clearly, it didn’t work. It was ineffective however intentioned or justifiable.

The stronger argument is from the big NYT piece from 2 weeks ago. The Administration had advance notice and already knew the virus was going to kill thousands of Americans. They did nothing to prepare and suppressed information from the Governors and the public. That left everyone flying blind and that collection of circumstances led to countless deaths and economic carnage. That’s the argument to focus on. Trump and Pence lied and covered up the truth during the critical time period when action needed to happen to save lives.


BiLlions of AmericAns saveD by our President. Let thAt sinK in libtardS!


the last defense of the Trump administration’s early COVID policy has been fatally undermined.

Do you really think that will matter to anyone in the gravitational grip of the Orange Anus? Just watch today’s shit show and see how he talks over the “nasty” questions. His sycophants will just cheer him on, regardless of reality.


China ban or no, there was this going on in NY at exactly the same time:


If all you have is “China travel ban” you flaunt it. Studies on the emergence of COVID in the USA suggest Europe played a bigger role than China. China to Europe and on to the USA. There’s also the fact that the travel ban was riddled with exemptions and 40K folks came here from there anyway. There was no way to circumvent COVID 19. It was all over the world before we knew it existed. Travel bans would do nothing.


Countries that handled COVID better than the USA,. South Korea and Germany for example, did not rely on a China travel ban.


Souls or lives?


Every day too many act surprised that the current occupant is a sociopath.


A biologist friend of mine who travels to London for a yearly conference was telling me about this about a month ago.


Needs more cowbell !!!111!!!1!


UNfoRtunatELy, maNy of tHose SAVed wERE libTARds.


The Santa Clara woman who died of COVID did not contract it through travel, officials say, but it remains unclear how she became infected, raising the specter of community spread happening much earlier than previously known.

Dan Crenshaw is wrong because the Trump Regime was warned in November 2019 about disease outbreak in China BUT per TimesofIsrael:

US intelligence informed the Trump administration, “which did not deem it of interest,”


One ALWAYS…needs more cowbell!




For the win


That is the way novel infections work – they don’t follow the rules. Bans don’t work. People who say maybe if we don’t look at it, it will go away all by itself, just let it ride, they are the ones who should be dead. But they aren’t the ones who die. Everyone else gets the disease. The world is now facing global depression, Millions of people with unthinkable losses, economies and opportunities wiped out for maybe a generation. That is the even greater sickness, and it was pretty much containable, if we had the leadership, governance, and the savvy and guts to confront it head on. This is pretty much genocide. Caused by greed, competitive hatred, and stupidity.


Don’t know if it’s an argument. More a timeline piece which ticks a box.

From the article:

“… the last defense of the Trump administration’s early COVID policy has been fatally undermined.”

To what end? We are so far past proof carrying any weight that could affect the present.
Today the POTUS is recommending harmful, probably suicidal treatments-- using products emblazoned with labeling warning exactly against said experimental usages.

So then, to what end? Post-COVID-19 tribunal evidence?


I’ll suggest this right now: far more about all the ‘plays’ Trump and his evil minions were involved in will come out. Sure, it may take some time but he’s created enough enemies both inside the WH and with former staffers, agency heads, etc. that they will reveal the whole sad story.

And I’m just talking about their studied ignorance of the early, then later COVID-19 facts, not even all the graft that Kushner, Trump himself and other Republiscums have gotten themselves into over protective gear, swabs, reagents, big $ government loans to well-heeled buddies and the like.

Jeesh, the immoralitiy of it all boggles the mind. Proving that we are justified in hoping he and others like him get the virus and suffer accordingly. It’s only fitting…


I saw some of that Maher clip. Maher sounded unprepared to be filibustered and just let that asshat drone on. It’s no wonder a hack like Megan Kelly wants to promote it.