Newly Revealed COVID Death Is Last Nail In Coffin Of Trump’s Failed China Ban | Talking Points Memo

US and South Korea get first virus case on same day (Jan 20). SK’s population = 1/7th of US. SK’s total virus deaths = 240. US deaths = 41,000. US death count is 173 times that of SK.


You like “Trump lied, 4 People Died”? Oh, what, that was different. Some guy named Ben Gazi.

“Trump lied, 50,000 died”

His supporters don’t even care.


This will be declared fake news and the cult will believe it.

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More and more it seems when Trump is directly challenged on this stuff he retreats behind an inky cloud of verbiage composed of all his moron arguments stitched together and repeated at random to just beat you into submission. They did this right away because he intuited how necessary it was in the face of opposition and it saved “billions” of lives and everyone loves what they’ve done they just won’t say so and if they’d done nothing this many would have died but since we did something it won’t be that many of course one is too many but 60K is very good because it could have been worse yadda yadda yadda and so forth. He knows what kind of trouble he’s in. And I think we’re past the point where framing and spin can do him much good. If this isn’t abject failure, what is?


Our complete and total failure to contain it, and him. :tired_face:


Gounder added that the Trump administration’s border policy in the early stages of the pandemic failed on its own terms.

you mean like this super spreader event?

nothin’ like a catastrophic fuck up at the leading edge of a plague


I watched it in Real Time and was yelling answers to Crenshaw at the screen. Maher was totally unprepared. Guess that happens when he doesn’t have a staff feeding replies in his ear.


A study said the virus was introduced to New York via Europe long before it was even detected.

So much for Dr. Don’s Carona-Heroics.™ I guess he’ll have to go back to rushing into high schools unarmed to take down heavily armed shooters.


We know how Trump will respond to this:

(1) We inherited a broken system.
(2) We’re doing a tremendous job.
(3) The governors dropped the ball.
(4) Fake news.
(5) I’m the victim here.
(6) Nobody has ever seen anything like this.


Agreed. This information is interesting, but it’s a bit sensational to say “this is the last nail in the coffin of Trump’s failed China ban!” This does nothing for the argument about that one action. A more useful tidbit is the NYT article you reference.


The President’s co-partisans have touted his China ban. In a series of bizarre video appearances earlier this week, Rep. Dan

Crenshaw (R-TX) proclaimed that the ban showed President Trump was ahead of the World Health Organization. that the ban showed President Trump was ahead of the World Health Organization. week, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) proclaimed that the ban showed President Trump was ahead of the World Health Organization.

Well, WHO do you know? It sure looks like the idiot was idioting again. And the other idiots climbed right on board behind him, as usual.


I’ve been thinking about this. The media needs to get every last person who has the authority to use the 25th Amendment, and every last GOPer in Congress on record as still supporting this president in light of his recent failures with Covid19, and comments about injecting Lysol, using EV light inside our bodies, confiscating life-saving medical equipment from hospitals, turning the entire supply chain for that equipment into a carnival auction that goes to the highest bidder, and putting the health of Wall Street above the lives of Americans. This moment needs to be used to encapsulate the entirety of the GOP because it is the GOP who still supports and enables the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans by not insisting that policies and procedure and plans be changed to alter course.


You would think someone who publicly advocated for a baseless treatment that not only doesn’t work, but, in some cases, leads to severe complications including death, would be chastened, even embarrassed or ashamed. But you’d be wrong. Instead, off he goes to shilling for bleach and powerful doses of UV light. This guy would shame a televangelist.

This feels like the Lord is testing exactly how stupid some of his followers are. This ain’t exactly like Him asking Abraham to sacrifice his son.


Winning! We’re #1!

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“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”
— Wannabe superhero Dr. Toadglans mit der Bone Spurs, Jan. 20, 2017


I think these may be the same people who came to his inauguration.


Yes. These are people for whom “check with your doctor first before injecting disinfectant” counts as the acme of rational wisdom. Josh K may need to drop the “last nail in the coffin” figure. Before we’re through we’ll probably have to incinerate the coffin, bomb the cemetery, maybe salt the ground, put up a giant monolith with easily recognizable human figures miming that visitors should stay away for 40,000 years…


When he says, “and one life lost is too many” or words to that effect, in that robotic, unfeeling, perfunctory way, it becomes very clear he has no empathy or any sense of the devastation this virus has wrought to tens of thousands of Americans. He’s flailing with no rescue boats in sight.


Not one bit of factual evidence is gonna stop the right-wing from disingenuously blaming the entire thing on China and the WHO in every comment thread, news comments, discussion forums or facebook group. Hell the WaPo has an article today saying " Leading Republicans want to send China the bill for pandemic’s costs Does anyone really think the “facts” are gonna stop them from that publicity stunt?