New Revelations About Stone And Wikileaks Cast Mueller As ‘Hamlet’ | Talking Points Memo

I like Vin Diesel. He has found his niche. He gives good performances.

But Hamlet, nah.

Of course I probably don’t realize you are doing ‘sarcasm.’ (closely related to irony and litotes)

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It was never a no-holds-barred investigation. He was ‘ordered’ to stick to certain topics.


Sarcastic? Moi?

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The rats behind the dumpster feasted that night!


Too bad the president always starts snickering at the ‘bare bodkin’ part.


Damn kids. You can’t trust a one of them. Fred knew. One day the world will know him as the Man Who Knew How Handle Kids. Watch this neice NDA business. Donald knows true family values.

I’d bet… some small amount… of money on it… maybe…

He added that if charging the President is off the table, “you might say to yourself, is it worth trying to get more interviews with the President?”

“As a practical matter, it would have been futile,” Cotter added.

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. If he didn’t have the balls to interview the president, he should never have acceptance the assignment. He then doubled down on his cowardice by rolling over for Barr.

Mueller’s ‘investigation’ will destroy his reputation forever, and rightly so.


A self-serving book of lies and distortions. Stone wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked him in the ass. He belongs before a firing squad.

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Don’t agree on grandchildren, but apart from that endorse every word. Unlike Cox and Jaworski, Mueller will go down in history as a man who failed to meet the moment.

Left it up to Barr to interpret the report’s runes and obscure gobbledygook to create the headline Trump wanted instead of producing his own headline: Trump corruptly colluded with Russia and then obstructed the investigation.


Wait a minute. Carville said the cost would be DOUBLE because of the greater danger. Whatever that meant. You got anchovies?


“No! No! Put down that pickle!”


The issue was in how he defined his job, from day one. I find it interesting, for example, that you use the phrase “There are textbook ways of handling such matters”…and the “textbook”, such as it is, for investigating a sitting President includes creating an argument against the DoJ guidance that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Jaworski did it, and Starr did it after him. Yet Mueller had no intentions of ever arguing against that…his entire investigation was doomed from the start by his decision that he would never indict the President, nor seek such an indictment. How do you conduct a criminal investigation into a man who you won’t indict? More importantly, WHY investigate him, if that is the preordained mission statement? So he nipped around the edges a bit instead.

The amazing part if even with that as his starting principle, he still managed to trip over enough stuff to make him say, “If he wasn’t President, IMO, he would be indicted”


God, that’s depressing.

We’ve lost the founding principle that no one is above the law.


I would argue that “we” didn’t…two people investigating Presidents, one a republican President,one a Democratic president…were quite prepared to argue that no one is above the law.

Mueller wasn’t. Key difference IMO…Mueller was a republican investigating a republican President. The other two were from the opposite party.


This is BS.

Mueller had predetermined that he will not implicate Trump. After all he is a Republican through and through.

All this reflection of Hamletesque proportions is nonsense meant to whitewash that reality.


Here’s what I’m thinking: He resigns, Pence pardons him for federal crimes. Then he only has to worry about NY, NJ and CT state crimes.
You can make an even money bet in Vegas on resignation.

ETA: image


Why didn’t I prosecute the guy who raped and murdered his daughters? Because, of course, I am a deeply traditional person who respects the role of Fatherhood so much.

This is Republican reasoning at its finest. Mueller is pathetic.


I get it. My father was that kind of man. But, this is certainly misplaced faith.

Don’t crush that dwarf…

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