New Revelations About Stone And Wikileaks Cast Mueller As ‘Hamlet’ | Talking Points Memo

Did you know 6 out of 7 Dwarfs aren’t Happy?


Mueller did what he was hired to do. No leaks, ambiguous report, very, very concerned, like Susan Collins-level concern!—and no actionable result. Fret not. His friendship with fellow Christianist extremist Bill Barr remains secure.

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“he’s so conflicted and he respects the presidency so much.” Is ridiculous
He’s a coward. Does not have the courage to do the job. Needed someone with the guts to go for the kill… Either he investigates and goes for the truth or he doesn’t. Why do we give these guys a pass?

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Disagree–Mueller was a total pro. By the book former prep school, Marine type. Got a lot of convictions, but can’t indict POTUS under DOJ. So he got the facts out and his report went to Congress.

History will write that Mueller failed, utterly, not that he succeeded. It mattered greatly, but he re-defined and minimized his task, and failed, more and more obviously as the conspiracy unfolded before all our eyes. It was sad for him, tragic for us. Much like a Shakespearean play.

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In this instance, I see Mueller more as Polonius than Hamlet–covering his reluctance to take a stand on anything with mountains of obfuscation and BS… "Niether a borrower or a lender be " my ass.

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Failure to perform one’s public duty because one is overawed by the terrible majesty of the responsibility is functionally just as bad as failure to perform it because of incompetence or corruption: it is a betrayal of one’s fellow citizens.

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I’m totally confused. Was Mueller so mentally addled by advancing age (as evidenced by his halting performance in his hearing), or so in awe of the presidency (so long as the president being investigated was a Republican), or so thrown by Trump and his allies’ deceptive maneuvers, that he was unable and/or unwilling to do the job properly?

Or did he choose to operate strictly withing the four corners of the law, DoJ rules and precedent that even if he knew that crimes were being committed, he would not go after them if it meant in any way not following procedure?

I.e. was he senile, a GOP tool, an idiot, or Dudley Do-Right? Which one was it? Because he clearly fucked up royally, which was weird for a guy with a reputation for being your worst fucking nightmare if he thought you were a crook. Was he just another shady law enforcement type who applies different standards for different classes of criminal, based on the criminal’s power, status, wealth, party and race? Was he a schmuck? Or was he just a doddering fool long past his prime?

Not Hamlet. Old Hamlet, who STILL can’t make up his mind.


That DoJ rule is itself likely unconstitutional and unenforceable, and as a prosecutor it was his right AND duty to challenge it. He did not, because the target was the president and the president was a Republican. Were it Obama, or a lesser Repub, I’ve no doubt that he would have gone after him wholeheartedly. Mueller proved beyond doubt that he’s just another GOP enforcer, nothing more, a party hack. That DoJ rule, and other carve-outs like it, all unconstitutional, are classic ways to enable back-door de facto autocracy, and Mueller’s smart enough to know it. Too bad he wasn’t honorable enough to do something about it. He would have made a great mob consigliori or corporate counsel.

Why do I hate lawyers, at least the ones who’ll work for anybody on anything no matter how vile, if the money’s good enough?


I especially blame the Democrats and our media (MSNBC, CNN, etc) for putting faith in Mueller rather than putting PRESSURE on him from the beginning. We should have screamed bloody murder that it would be a cover-up, that he’s a Republican, that it’s not fair that while Clinton got investigated by a rank partisan Trump gets investigated by one of his own. Let Mueller know that if the verdict wasn’t guilty, it would have no legitimacy. That’s how the Republicans and Fox and Rush would have played it had the shoe been on the other foot. This is OUR failure for not working the refs.


I don’t know if it’s a disease, but it is a mindset, that one, rich and powerful people deserve and should get special treatment, two, this is especially so if they’re white and male, and three, it’s most especially so if they’re also Xtian and conservative and thus truly “one of us”.

I don’t think it’s even a matter of we pay you to favor one set of people over another so just do your job. I think this mindset has been internalized and operates independently of political pressure, and the higher up you go, the more you see it, especially with members of this group.

Why did Comey choose to go public with the Clinton investigation and then give an unprecedented news conference to announce no charges and why, while keeping the parallel Trump investigation secret, then that awful letter–and then when Mueller effectively took it over, why did he softpedal it so nothing truly bad happened to Trump as a result?

It was this mindset. 100%. Even if they know that the person being investigated is loathsome, if they’re a fellow rich and powerful white male conservative Xtian, they’re in the clear, and every effort will be made to get them off the hook. In theory we live in a democratic republic. In reality we live in a rich white Xtian conservative male oligopoly, and basically always have, with rare and notable exceptions.

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On Mueller, on Comey and Hillary, on everything, I repeat-- it is our side that failed by being spectators rather than using every means to put pressure on them. BLM and the kids out in the streets pulling down statues get it. The Democratic Party still mostly doesn’t. Giuliani and the NY FBI pressured Comey and made him feel he had no choice but to publicize reopening the email investigation. Trump’s obstruction pushed against Rosenstein who had to negotiate with the perp or get shut down. He caved and caved. What push did Mueller and Rosenstein get from us? Zip.

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I agree, we don’t push hard or smart enough (and I don’t expect Biden to either). But these men are by nature inclined to favor rich white conservative Xtian men and don’t need all that much pushing to do it. I agree about Comey being manipulated into sending that letter, but he let himself be played on that. He was weak and foolish and deferential to the rich white conservative male power structure, and we got Trump as a result. Biden will likely appoint somewhat more liberal versions of them–unless he’s pushed.

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Well- the only way Republicans feel anything, is when people they care about die.

I truly believe it is that simple.

And, as a group - they are hateful, and hate-filled, with a healthy dose of “we’re victimized!” that taken as a whole is beyond sickening.

  1. Because Comey is first and last a REPUBLICAN.
  2. Because the prime directive of the FBI is CYA.
  3. Because Comey is first and last a REPUBLICAN.
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He’s also a fool, having gotten fired for his loyalty. And Obama was a fool for appointing him. I will go to my grave believing that Obama was played, let himself be played, wanted to be played, to have the political cover to avoid a bruising fight he had no interest in. But politics IS one long bruising fight.


Thanks for checking in.

I don’t generally try to sound like a blowhard … I’ll take a liberty here.

if the President is a security risk and a criminal (he is), and traitor (?), who cares about the rules? The guy should be dragged out of the WH by his hair, face down on the pavement.

Why protect owned a guy by Putin?

Again - I’m not claiming to be rational here. I reserve my right to think Mueller failed.

As mentioned - not a lawyer, just a mere mortal.