A New Hampshire Republican who’s promised to defy the presidential election results, should he be called upon to do so in 2024, is leading in that state’s Republican Senate primary.
So, out of the gate, Bolduc is already willing to defy federal law? Bolduc should be labeled by the Dems as a traitor if he wins the primary. Hit him hard and where it counts.
Seems like there is total fascist control of the republican cult at this point, at least control of candidate selection.
Perhaps this means that any slightly moderate members of the cult are disgusted to the point of no longer participating in the primary process. Perhaps the severe fascist tilt of the cult’s rhetoric and deeds will discourage a portion of their voters from participating in November’s elections.
Does anyone know if the number of voters in the cult’s primaries is decreasing, or is it about the same? It would surely be discouraging if the transformation of the republican party is actually increasing their popularity. I believe polling has shown that that, at least, isn’t the case.
At what point will it be “OK” in the minds of media editors to talk about the GOP as an anti-democratic, anti-electoral, militant nationalist party? Will we need to wait until an election is successfully overturned by violence?
I mean, fascists gonna fasce, and all that, but if we can’t openly discuss it for fear of backlash or bothsidesism or lack of “even handedness”, we are really doomed.
What-the-hell is wrong with New Hampshire?
Is there any place left in this nation to be “Safe and Sane”; and, here-I-thought Safe and Sane was just a brand of Fireworks.
Hard to figure. Sen Hassan dodged a bullet when Gov Sununu decided not to run - for her seat. She has to beat this nut. Real problem is representation - two senators in CA representing about 40 million people and two senators in NH representing about 1.5 million people. And when the Senate votes all four of their votes are of equal value. Someday …
It would have been close though. Sununu signed an ugly abortion law recently. I think it was clear by the time he made his decision that the SC was at least even odds on the Roe repeal.
He very well could have lost with southern NH (AKA North Massachusetts) not wanting to send someone like that to Washington.