New Details Revealed In Gaetz Bahamas Trip | Talking Points Memo

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) departed on a Bahamas trip in September 2018 that included at least five young women, including a young woman that Gaetz allegedly had sex with when she was a minor, Politico reported late Tuesday.

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Monkey Business 2.0.Gaetz


Axiom: every Trumpista accusation is in fact an admission of guilt.

So…everything of which Trump, Gaetz, Scott, Johnson, Paul or attendance MAGAts have accused Dems is in fact in their own closets (or offshore bank accounts).


From Political Wire…

Matt Gaetz Has a Primary Challenger

April 14, 2021 at 8:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

“A veteran air force pilot is laying the groundwork to challenge the scandal-hit congressman Matt Gaetz in the Republican primary for Florida’s first congressional district,” The Guardian reports.


I’m beginning to believe the only ‘truth’ may be the girl was not 17. The rest will be an accurate accounting of the ‘life’ of Gaetz and what a scummy life it is.


You just know that they had a stopover at Epstein’s Caribbean island. Weekend at Pervie’s.


The girl who may have been a minor goes by the name Vintage 99 on I believe the 99 refers to her birth date.
She is not cooperating with the feds or talking to any reporters according to a story in Politico.
Matt may be finished as a Congressman, but doubt he will be convicted of anything.


There should be a record of her passport on file somewhere.


Questions regarding the ages of at least three of the women on the trip


Members of Congress, hand surgeons, Republican donors.



Trump now affectionately refers to Matt Gaetz as “Mini-Me.”


Trump, now Gaetz, and yes, don’t forget Roy Moore from what seems like centuries ago but was only 2017.

It is beginning to become more and more clear that QAnon, which just happened to get ginned up in time for the Trump regime, and which just happened to have accused Trump’s presidential campaign opponent and other Democrats of being pedophiles, was a co-production of the conservative media-disinformation complex and the Kremlin.

Edit: And the 8-kun guy, living conveniently out of reach of US law enforcement in a regime semi-hostile to the US (Duterte) is just the conduit for the products of various Roger Stone types in the US and the covert ops/desinformatsiya specialists in Moscow.


That’s Bryan Jones. He was already thinking about taking on Gaetz after January 6.

I guess other Republicans will jump in as well.


“no one on the trip engaged in prostitution”…Just because Gaetz gave them money so they could take care of some of their bills does not mean they were being paid for sex! So that’s the follow-up: were any of the women who went on the trip compensated in any way?

And, to continue to beat the drum: where are the then 17-year old’s parents here? Can’t they sue Gaetz from here to kingdom come for contributing to the corruption of their underage daughter? And now that she’s of age, can she sue, herself? Ahhhh. I’ll bet she’d been paid off already! Time to do some digging into her and her family’s bank accounts, including banks in the Bahamas. I’ll bet the FBI is all over this, as well as the other women’s bank accounts. It’s going to be a fun time when all this comes out, including their testimonies in court, etc.


I’ve always found hand surgeons to be exemplary people. Oh wait, I’ve never met a hand surgeon. Nevermind.


So will Gaetz finger the hand surgeon?


Politico sources revealed that federal agents seized Gaetz’s iPhone during a search warrant this winter. The phone of his ex-girlfriend was also reportedly seized. The congressman changed his phone number late last year, Politico said.

Trying to get the time line here. Gaetz’s phone was seized last winter. Matt’s ex-girlfriend’s also seized. I’m assuming the phones were seized at the same time.

Matt got engaged to Ginger Luckey Dec. 2020?
When does winter start in FBI or FL definition?

Was/is Ginger some sort of paid beard for Gaetz?
And I don’t necessarily mean that Gaetz needed a "girlfriend/ fiancee for a distraction to avert the “gay” accusation, but Ginger and Gaetz’s timeline is weird.

So if Matt’s was dating his now ex girlfriend in 2018, and met Ginger in Dec. 2020, it just seems so contrived.

ETA: Fall of 2019 1st impeachment of Trump. Gaetz and friends storm the House Intelligence SCIF in Oct 2019.
So Matt is an exception to the old trope of a “do nothing member of Congress”?


Gaetz, who has not been accused of any wrongdoing, has denied allegations that he had sex with a minor and has also denied that he paid for sex.

I like how the independent clause automatically refutes the dependent one.


Amazing how quickly Republicans moved into being unabashedly pro-screwing 18 yr olds.


How safe an R district is this?

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Find the grammatical errors in this sentence:

According to Politico, some of the women on the Bahamas trip got connected to Gaetz and his associate, former Seminole County tax collector, Joel Greenberg, through the Seeking Arrangement a website that says it connects wealthy people to companions who they can shower with “with fine dinners, exotic trips and allowances.”

Also, here is Merriam Webster’s online definition of the word “exotic”:

1 ex·ot·ic

adjective \ igˈzät|ik , egˈz-, -ät|, |ēk sometimes ikˈsä- or ekˈsä- \

1 : from another country : not native to the place where found : foreign

2archaic : outlandish, alien

3a : strikingly out of the ordinary : rarely met with : strange

b : excitingly strange : having the appeal of the unknown : mysterious, romantic, picturesque, glamorous

c : strikingly unusual in color or design : rich, showy, elaborate

4 : of or relating to striptease

ex·ot·i·cal·ly \ |ə̇k(ə)lē , |ēk-​ , -​li \ adverb

ex·ot·ic·ness \ |iknə̇s , |ēk-​ \ noun, plural -es

Origin of EXOTIC[–]

Latin exoticus , from Greek exōtikos , from exō outside

First Known Use: 1599 (sense 1)