National Sec Adviser: Top Impeachment Probe Witness To Be Removed From WH Council

Surprised they waited this long to retaliate against him (or anyone) for truthfully testifying.


Slightly OT, at LAX on Friday one store was selling t-shirts that said “Make America Great Again “ with a picture of Putin.


It’s fascinating to watch Trump spokespeople on tv. Their lips move up and down but they are ill-acquainted with the truth. Was this witness being fired supposed to perjury himself to please that monster-president?


Ummmm…linguist here. Actually, the singular they has been around since the 14th century. Around 400 years later some self-appointed purists decided they didn’t like it and began harping about it and school kids have been getting points off ever since…

Kinda like the “shouldn’t split an infinitive” malarky, i.e. to boldly go “should be” to go boldly. This actually only popped up in the 19th century when a bunch of (clerical) zealots decided to try to latinize English grammar (to “purify” it) and, since infinitives in Latin are a single word and cannot be split, ergo the two-word English infinitive should be viewed as an unsplittable unit. It’s all horsepucky. Most modern grammar guides no longer consider this an error. But they are still pounding on school kids about this.

Yes, it’s totally pointless.

(Sorry for the long lecture… :smirk:)


How could you forget the weasel TuckerCarlson ?


Nail. Coffin.


Yep, next time we will make sure the person on the call can’t speak the language. We can’t make shit up if they understand what the hell is said. I have never retaliated but there is always a first time and this is it. I’m also asking the DOD to force the Col to retire and if possible with a reduction in rank.


Yeah…it’s all OBAMA’S fault…why am I NOT surprised?

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Sure presidents are entitled to have people on the NSC that they trust. The problem is that Trump trusts no one.

“So everyone who’s detailed at the NSC, people are going to start going back to their own departments and we’ll bring in new folks.”

Should read: We are going to have a Purge. Then bring in incompetent sycophants. Just like Guiliani has been awesome in his cybersecurity role.


Proving once again the saying: “No Good Deed goes unpunished.”

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Canned because he can’t be trusted to LIE for the POTUS. Sounds right.


Just as I thought…

The Vindman story is still being read and talked about 48 hours before the Open Hearings. And the reactions are remarkably similar among readers.

And talkers.

Great Timing, TrumpTeam…


I dislike that message so much that I resist the impulse to add responses. (And now I will get my own cheery little welcome back. Sigh.)


Watch and assess what they do, not what they say.

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I’m hoping the uniformed military prove you wrong, but if trump’s civilian appointees have anything to say about the matter, then I’m afraid you’re definitely correct.


You might have an idea of how proud I’d be if the military took him in to custody and shut this administration down. But that will never happen.

There is nobody left with sufficient integrity to resign. That is by design. It’s how trump ensures that he’s surrounded by yes-men and toadies. Not a single shred of decency, honesty or shame is left in the WH - or anywhere within the trump administration. We expected all political appointees would eagerly do trump’s bidding. But the middle-level managers within those agencies never expected to face the decision to quit their jobs over principals. Too many, I’m afraid, are failing the test. That, too, is by design. The longer this goes on, the deeper the rot.


I expect that Mr Parnas has been thinking quite a lot about Mr Epstein.

Trump’s loyalty test is publicly lying on his behalf.

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