Musing That Racism Isn’t As Bad As It Was, 5th Circuit Mulls Further Neutering Voting Rights Act



“Has the world not changed from a racial standpoint?” “Would you agree that discrimination in favor of a race — preferring a race — is the same thing as discrimination against other races?” the judges asked.

If you ain’t white you ain’t right. It’s well past time to end this nonsense, and they know it.

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There is only one race on this planet, yes, there are many ethnicities, but only one race, the human race. It’s well past time to acknowledge that and stop the subjugation of peoples we feel lesser. full stop.


dignity lololololol

You’d have to be willfully blind to think that “racism isn’t as bad as it was.”

I grew up in the 1960s. Since then I don’t think racism has ever been as bad as it is right now. It makes me sick. But what makes me sicker and sadder is that a bunch of mostly white right-wing Nazis think it’s all better now. .,… And that they get to legally decide that racism is all better now.


So, time to give “separate but equal” another chance?

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What will you do to get out the vote this November?

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Who said anything about ensuring equality?
According to this court, even testing that hypothesis would be racist.


You speak only for yourself.
Antagonizing a moderator asking folks to avoid making racist statements while condeming hypocrite racists for their racism is perhaps not the winning hand you think it is.


Fine, but this bastard is a racist through and through. There is a very strong core of racism in Asian cultures that sees all other races as inferior, and even other Asian cultures as inferior.

The Japanese demonstrated this in spades during WWII. The Chinese systematically repress all non-Chinese citizens. And the “peaceful” Buddhists of Myanmar just love to burn the Rohinga.

Ho is solidly in that tradition, and deserves any and all opprobrium that can be heaped upon him.
And no, I wouldn’t be surprised to find him on his knees in a dark doorway servicing Leonard Leo.



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I believe this was exceptionally obvious in 2016…

It will take generations to undo the damages to the courts. That was always the endgame of the powerbrokers who supported der Trumpenführer. Stacking not just SCOTUS but the federal judiciary overall has been their wet dream since forever.


Justice James Ho’s originialist views would mean that he thinks the Asian exclusion act is still operative.



There are biologically different races, though these differences are usually superficial. Carriers of sickle-cell anemia seem to be mostly located in African and some Hispanic ancestries. Some are clinically significant. Etc.

But immutable social differences between races remain unacceptable.

BTW, races are a subdivision of our singular species.

To wit (wiki actually): Humans ( Homo sapiens ) or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo.


This. Is. All. That. Matters.


I grew up in the 60s as well; born in '53. Dreaming of the day, some day, when a Black man would be President of the United States.


Is there a better label to refer to this issue rather than the apparent universal usage of “race” as a political factor in discussions about equality and justice in governance and social interactions?.

I am always baffled by POC, in this case a man of Asian descent, that actively engage in denying people like themselves of their rights. The Republican ecosphere seems to have an awful lot of these deluded individuals. And how sad for all of us because everyone loses when the field is tilted against one group or another.

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I wasn’t aware that ho’s were for sale–I thought it was strictly a rental thing.

On the other hand, I suppose that if you’ve a sufficient accumulation of wealth purchasing might make sense.

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