So how many of the 5th circuit sre “other than White?”
I’m inclined to believe that the right-wing sophists in Congress have no interest in countering the right-wing sophists on the federal bench.
We must look to the founders for guidance and they wanted voting limited to white male landowners. There was nothing about minorities being allowed to vote. And that thing about “all men are created equal” was never meant to apply to non-whites and non-property owners.
Judge Ho won’t discover racism until he tries to get into the all-whites country club he covets.
Horribly cynical argument. Racism isn’t “regular-lynchings” bad today, ergo racism is over.
If the 5th Circuit further dilutes the powers of the VRA, how long until it is? How long will white people continue to practice their indiscriminate behavior toward minorities? How long can white people abuse those without voting powers until corrective action is warranted to create a more perfect union?
And this bastard wants another four years (at least) to continue to ruin the country. It can’t be permitted to happen. Fuck every single one of the judges he “appointed” (per Leonard Leo’s orders); none of them are worth a damn as independent arbitrators.
America’s original sin remains elusive and at the same time right in front of our eyes.
The Republicans don’t actually need to do much with the courts doing all of this work for them. No legacy stinks bigger than McConnell’s these days. He and Leonard Leo have put a gut shot into this country that may, indeed, prove to be fatal.
Maybe I’m being a bit overly sensitive, but I find that the comments making fun of Judge Ho’s name to be racist and beneath the dignity of this forum.
They haven’t heard the N-word for years…or used it either.
Racism isn’t as bad as it was back in the day so let’s open the doors to more and better racism by rescinding something that lessened its impact.
Some of us with Asian family members might be inclined to agree.
And her speeches.
So, Judge Ho says racism isn’t bad as it was? Pray tell, why was Asian community in NY, SanFran, LA up in arms about unprovoked attacks following/during CoV? What kind of twisted “color blind” mind does he have?
Tee up some luxury vacation paid by some billionaire that he failed to disclose
He effing took the oath of office in his sugar daddy’s mansion library. (Not in front of the nazi memorabilia, afaik)
Same as Clarence Thomas - blinded by $$$ of benefactors
“Has the world not changed from a racial standpoint?” “Would you agree that discrimination in favor of a race — preferring a race — is the same thing as discrimination against other races?” the judges asked.
What upside-down world have we entered?
Thank you Sinema and Machin for tanking the voting rights legislation!