Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a key swing vote when it comes to the impeachment process set to begin in the Senate next month
That’s funny, I thought imPotus was already impeached.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a key swing vote when it comes to the impeachment process set to begin in the Senate next month
That’s funny, I thought imPotus was already impeached.
He’s a very close second behind Gingrich.
Quite a rhetorical flip on “both sides do it.” This time, it’s “I’m doing both sides.” “Mitch disturbs me, but Nancy and Jerry really upset me because they wouldn’t wait for the polar ice cap to melt in order to get court-ordered witnesses.” I’ll bet this plays as sweetly the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s “Hallelujah” in Homer and Juneau.
The way the national media tends to tell his bio and reflect on his disgusting tenure, they seem to always say that he owns the political machinery in Kentucky. That he has long tentacles that keeps him safely in place as a political survivor and careerist. I do hope those days are finally coming to an end. Only thing I’ve ever seen of him is that he’s all about himself. Even that Russian aluminum factory he brought to KY was some kind of sell-out to the Russians, not for the benefit of Kentuckians.
Exactly. The Democrats are going through the courts, but Trump is fighting vociferously against their efforts, possibly taking things all the way up to SCOTUS. If she really wants to take a stand, she should pick up the phone and call Mitch and Trump and tell them to let witnesses testify ASAP.
A family that steals together.
" Published on
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
“Chao’s corruption has gone unchecked for too long.”
Ding Ding
Hah. Did you see the new Star Wars movie? My son did and he said it was good but came close to highly rendered cinematic video game, which he found unnecessary and frivolous. I haven’t seen it though, so I can’t say.
Lot of that going on in this maladministration, and this isn’t the first time Chao has pulled this kind of thing.
MSN poll has support for impeachment up to 55%. Up seven points from a week ago. Could it be the Dingell attack effect from December 18th?
The MSN poll has, however, shown consistently higher support for impeachment than other polls, possibly due to the “likely voter” sample, as opposed to the more commonly used “registered voter” or “all adults” samples. But the trend in this poll is unmistakable.
As of December 18, the RealClearPolitics average of polls showed 47.2 percent support for impeachment, the last time RCP added polls to the average. Around that same time, the MSN poll reached a low of 48 percent support for impeachment. Then, it shot up seven points in less than a week.
It’s not about trusting Collins. She’ll do what’s in her interest and, right now, most of Maine hates Trump.
She ought to be pissed and say so.
But it’s trump and everyone is afraid.
Eh. Most of Maine probably hated Kavanaugh but it didn’t stop her from lying through her teeth all these years about standing up for issues that directly impact women’s lives. She did the absolute worst thing to prove she’s nothing more than a opportunist in her party and not one that stands on any kind of principle.
What I don’t fully get is that there’s support for trump at all.
I don’s see how he could be anymore heinous than he already has been.
One would think caging children after ripping them from their parents as an act of government policy would be enough. Imagine the hair on fire had Obama committed serial child abuse like trump/Sessons did.
She wasn’t up for re-election that year and she probably thought everyone would forget about that by the time she was up for re-election. She realizes now how wrong she was. My guess is, she’s looking for a way to make up for that. We’ll see.
Oh I think you’re in for some unpleasant days ahead then.
I still don’t get that. A lousy, failed real estate business guy from NY that boasts and bullshits his way through everything and they still don’t know how to go after him where it hurts? Its because he is the Republican party now and they are essentially the same thing as him. They are not so much afraid of him as one of him…As I say, one and same, amoral, unethical, and looking for a cash payout and grift while the power structure is in their hands willing to look the other way and let them off the hook.
What they’re really afraid of is accountability, because it means they’ll get caught having been a part of his malfeasance…and the public will learn how they were a part of the biggest scandal in American history…selling out the country for personal gain using a foreign country in order to stay in power.
Grilling a fetus on the South Lawn and inviting his friends over for a cookout?
I admit I am biased.
Cheney and Rove are definitely in contention.