Murkowski ‘Disturbed’ By McConnell Vow To Coordinate Impeachment Trial With WH | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a key swing vote when it comes to the impeachment process set to begin in the Senate next month, voiced her concerns this week about Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) promise to work in “total coordination” with the White House.

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You certainly are disturbed, Lisa. How many times can you play this card only to vote with MoscowMitch anyway?


She’s pulling the Susan Collins card here.


She doesn’t always vote with MoscowMitch. In fact she voted along with McCain against the GOP plan to destroy the ACA in that famous vote. She also voted against Kavanaugh so give her a little bit of credit (Collins voted for Kavanaugh even with her phony “concern”). She also ran as a write-in candidate in her home state and won even with a lot of animus from her own party. If anyone will vote with the Dems, she’s probably our best bet at this point.


Trade one Murkowski for one Manchin


I am “disturbed” that you are merely “disturbed,” Lisa. Ya gotta be that as well as being pissed and do something about it!


Murkowski and other Republicans say just enough to claim they spoke out against Trump in case he is removed or voted out of office.
It would not surprise me if a memo will come to light that explains how do take a stand against Trump but not really mean it.

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I think it’s good that there’s at least a slight crack in Mitch’s/GOP messaging against Pelosi not immediately sending over the Articles. That’s gotta put at least a little pressure on Mitch.


What we need are four Rs to vote with Dems to have an override, a simple majority vote of 51 against McConnell, to bring witnesses and documents forward. We could get that a lot more than we could get a vote on removal. That I believe will be a bridge too far for any of these Republicans.


It’s a start.


I liked what she is saying except for the part about going through the courts to get people to testify. “Hey Lisa how many ABA deemed unqualified judicial candidates did you vote for confirmation? How many more months do we wait, all the while Trump is plotting and scheming to have others meddle in our Presidential election next year?”


Besides who doesn’t want to hear Trump’s defense witnesses, again admit to what he has done?


Murkowski, Collins and Romney are three definite votes against Trump. One more and you have your majority. The real question is, could they get a simple majority to vote in favor of a secret ballot for Trump’s removal? If the Senators could vote in secret, I bet about 80 of them would vote for removal.


Even Republicans (outside of Congress, of course) when polled want to see a fair trial with witnesses, by a slim majority I believe.


[“So I heard what Leader McConnell had said, I happen to think that that has further confused the process,” she said.]

Moscow McConnell is the least confused and MOST deliberately evil person I have ever seen in Government.

This includes Trump.


I wouldn’t trust Collins as far as I could throw her. She’s incredibly duplicitous and dishonest to her core, always has been, but most obviously tends to pull crap right before every one of her reelection bids.


A repost

"We Kentuckians know that our word is our bond. Oaths are the most solemn of promises, and their breach results in serious reputational — and sometimes legal — consequences.

President Donald Trump will soon be on trial in the Senate on grounds that he breached one oath. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is about to breach two."



Cop out. She could have said “it’s wrong and I don’t condone it” but she chose to honor the GOP 11th Commandment and say what she did. Dumping on her Constitutional obligations to hand wave away a fellow GOP’ers bad behavior is not a moderate thing to do.

What’s really disturbing is she will not do a damn thing to stand up for what is right and lawful.

Murkowski ‘Disturbed’ By McConnell Vow To Coordinate Impeachment Trial With WH

Lisa senses a great disturbance in the farce.