Mueller On Stone’s Commutation | Talking Points Memo

Mueller, like so many others - even Jeff Sessions for crying out loud - were still playing by the quaint old rules, assuming there was honor and decency. Let’s HOPE the Democrats have wised up.


I’m sure that Karen Trump would have much more sense than Trump, she after all managed to make the total moron of her husband governor and vice-president.

This x1000. trump and his crew are like Johnny Friendly and the rest of the gangsters in On the Waterfront. They fight dirty and count on the silence of the rank and file. Biden will have to go low to beat them.

Mueller could have spoken out at the hearing. His career was pretty much over, he had nothing to lose.
He didn’t. His performance at the witness table was feeble.


Totally agree. He may have done his job according to protocol and the best of his ability, but afterwards, seemed to me like he washed his hands.

So what if the people his report Did Not Exonerate created an immediate and successful media narrative, one that directly contradicted the findings of his work, basically making his work irrelevant? Not his problem, I guess.


The country will never regain any of its former stature in the world, be that what it may, unless the trump presidency isn’t investigated and severely prosecuted during the next administration.


Bottom line, the presidency is way too powerful with existing checks and balances insufficient to protect against abuse of power, corruption and autocracy, and something has to be done about it. Even had Mueller done all that we wish he’d done, that would still be the case.

We need new legislation and probably, eventually, an amendment, to get rid of or limit the pardon power, to either require congressional approval (or be able to be overriden by congress), and/or to exclude the president, any previous presidents, and anyone who’s worked for or is a relative, friend or associate of the president. Perhaps it should also only be applicable to crimes committed at least 10-20 years prior, and not allow for pardons of future crimes or convictions.


You’re too late, chum.

Mueller appears to feel a sense of responsibility for the team that worked under him. He doesn’t like for them to be disparaged, but the rest of the country is outside his area of responsibility. Maybe that is military training. He follows orders, controls what he can control and does not think about the rest. The rest is not his responsibility, so he sleeps like a baby at night.


I couldn’t agree more and if Biden chooses to “move on,” it will doom his presidency.


Steve Schmidt is as responsible as anyone for the political phenomenon of Sarah Palin…a losing VP candidate who, herself, is squarely associated with the TeaParty movement, which–in my view–played a huge part in a number of things which had a hand in the phenomenon of Donald J. Trump, U.S. President.

Right Now, Schmidt is Saying Great Things (to many of us rooting for Joe).

And Right Now, Mueller is pissed off enough to do something someone like Mueller rarely does…which is why the article takes pains.

We need every fucking voter we can get against the most evil political presence in American Political History.

I have got a bunch of reasons to be angry at Mueller, not the least of which is COVID. But I’ll take what I can get, even from him.

And Steve Schmidt


My humble, singular rejoinder is that Trump won’t hear or feel the sting of it at this point. Remember that the mayor/city council of Washington DC had BLACK LIVES MATTER painted in huge yellow letters on the street near the White House and renamed that section Black Lives Matter Plaza while massive protests were still underway. No one was quite sure how the nation would react, but instead of turning people away it gave new energy to the movement. That was their way of telling Trump to go fuck himself, and it left no doubt in anyone’s mind as to why and what for. Sometimes it is all about the timing.


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And who says that reality TV hasn’t improved our great country?

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I have my issues with the Never Trumpers and their outsized media presence but Schmidt is incredibly articulate and incensed and I do appreciate it now. I just worry about them all after the election.


I understand why people don’t like the way Mueller played it, but seems to me that basically you’re expecting him to act like a politician—something that people object to when, say, the Supreme Court does it.
Yeah, he’s playing by the “old rules” but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
Regardless, thinking that he shouldn’t have is a bit of a contradictory position.


You talk as if Mueller had the power to remove Trump. You can’t just say things might have and should have been done differently in some way that would have brought that about. I know of no specific error or omission here that made the outcome what it was, and if you do, trot it out. I remember at the damn time I thought the general tenor here regarding his investigation was one of wildly unreasonable hope. He was going to save us, and then he was a bum, a loser, a wimp. Usually neither attitude quite captures the truth in the round in situations like this.



Jacob Rubashkin

New poll of TEXAS from UT Tyler/ Dallas Morning News: TRUMP 43 BIDEN 48 Dem Senate Primary Hegar 35 West 22 Undecided 32 (June 29-July 7, 1,677 LVs, bilingual mixed mode, MoE 3.4%) Largest Texas Biden lead I’ve seen so far.


Not even a rule, a regulation, or a law - just an unfounded “opinion” from an office with no rule-making authority.


Texas in play. Every time you think that thought you have to marvel a little.

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