Montana Republicans Seek To Entice Supreme Court With Chance To Strengthen Dangerous Tool

Originally published at: Montana Republicans Seek To Entice Supreme Court With Chance To Strengthen Dangerous Tool - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Republican officials in Montana are already resurrecting the independent state legislature theory, which would imbue state legislatures with enormous power over federal elections.  Getting a majority on the Supreme Court to affirm some version of the theory has been a recent white whale of Republican state legislatures as they seek to make voting more difficult…



I hate this court more everyday for the fact that there’s no telling on how they’ll rule for these bullshit theories. 600,000 Americans are going to have ended up dying in vain by the time they’re done reversing the results of the civil war.


Irony is dead.

CJ John Roberts* killed it in cold blood.

“… “transgress the ordinary bounds of judicial review such that they arrogate to themselves the power…”

  • Via his wife’s exorbitant business income.

/s, but metaphorically dead on accurate.


John Roberts will be finished unmaking democracy by the next presidential election. Count on it.


No kidding.

And today we are stuck praising Jeff Flake for endorsing Harris. Never mind he wimped out over blocking Kavanaugh’s nomination. I’m pragmatic, but it really hurts my heart!


“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn


Why the hell do they not pay the price for all their attempts to undermine democracy!?!


OT, FAFO news:

ETA: 9 years.


The supreme court of the uncourtly is little more than five arrogant (and bored) men concocting and welcoming the theoretical, hypothetical and bullshit. Arguing to, between and amongst (does that cover all) themselves for amusement. They don’t give a F-K about consequences because none of their decisions touch them and theirs.

If Democrats ever get a majority in Congress again, the first order should be expanding this travesty called the Highest Court of the Land: It’s a long time since 1869.


John Roberts and the rest of the Supreme Court gang are a far greater threat to American democracy than Donald Trump. The Supreme Court has sold out America for a few pieces of silver, some fancy vacations and the illusion that they and not their puppet masters have power. Once again look to unmentioned .McCavities (Oligarchs) who are the hiddenpaws behind the Court’s corruption.

To quote Taylor Swift. “Macavity’s a mystery cat, he’s called the Hiddenpaw
For he’s the master criminal who can defy the law
He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair
For when they reach the scene of crime, Macavity’s not there.”

That is what I think about our unnamed oligarchs and their relationship with the Press,


I wonder how Amy Cony Island fits in this mess. They got her for her rw nuttiness, of course. But even so, I doubt they hang with her & smoke cigars.





Getting a majority on the Supreme Court to affirm some version of the theory has been a recent white whale of Republican state legislatures as they seek to make voting more difficult without the other branches of state government interfering

I think it’s a mistake to think of this as two separate groups, where one group has to “entice” another group.

They are one group. Volleyball players don’t have to “entice” their teammates to throw a spike after the bump and set – they know it’s the plan, and they’ve all been working hard to line up the opportunity.

SuperPACs coordinate with political campaigns, they just don’t do it blatantly.

We have every reason to assume the FedSoc 6 are coordinating with the other arms of the Federalist machine. Just because they don’t do it in broad daylight doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. How else do you get a lawsuit over a hypothetical cake shop and a hypothetical customer that is granted cert (instead of being dismissed for standing/non-ripeness) and is then used to rewrite the laws that both groups of GOPers hate?

Accept what already is.


There appear to be a lot of Tina Peters out there, ready foot-soldiers for the authoritarian cause, and we can be sure that Republicans will continue to foul the democratic river until there are a lot fewer Tinas around to help.

It did take a lot of money, effort and time to bring this Tina to book so it would help if we could find a way to be more efficient about it.

That said, in addition to being a dingbat with an exaggerated sense of privilege, this particular Tina really does not appear mentally well; that too is a pattern of course.

Tina Peters, just sentenced to 9 years in prison, told the judge that people who want her to go to prison are in trouble because God doesn’t like people messing w/his kids & she is a child of God. She then said she couldn’t go to prison because she sleeps on a special mattress.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 3, 2024

Calling Peters “an attention-seeking former official. . .” The judge mimicked Kamala’s resolve by not uttering what he really wanted to call her.


That, too. But day-to-day, what is the social mix, the office dynamics? Women at work tend to hang together just through social behaviors. Also, sharing the robing room & restroom. So how do these arrogant, bored men keep her feeling like part of the team? They are the least likely bunch to be good pals for a woman!

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Dock strike is over.

Are we cheering?

Seriously asking.


Hell yeah!