Montana Rep Zooey Zephyr Sues To Do Her Job

Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D) sued the state of Montana and the speaker of the Montana House on Monday after Republican lawmakers voted to censure and block her from speaking.

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“If you can’t say ‘fuck,’ then you can’t say ‘fuck the government.’”
~ Lenny Bruce



She has been outstandingly articulate in the current matter on national television news and interview outlets and I predict she will become a go-to spokesperson and leader for the acceptance of transgender people and the personhood rights that the Republican legislatures nationwide are voting to deny.


Missoula and Bozeman are such nice places, gathering cultural refugees from the rest of MT. I often think that places like Columbia SC, Austin TX, are particularly rich because of that red state refugee factor!


Not a good look for Republicans to make such public shows of their desire to keep anyone but them from having political control. And, Americans in general don’t like it when speech is silenced. They really are pushing hard on being authoritarians, and not hiding it anymore…open warfare will draw a reaction that I doubt they will like.

The question is if they will be able to shut it down or get pushed out, and sadly we don’t know how it will turn out. It used to be there was no question that these types to actions would result in politicians being voted out, but Republicans are working very hard to keep people from voting against them, at some point they may try to stop voting from happening at all.

I really don’t see how they think they will get to rule us though, Americans just won’t sit by and allow that to happen. I hope, anyways.


She is a very brave person, considering the number of heavily armed and heavily crazy people in Montana.


I’m betting that there is a team of volunteers working to review footage and transcripts of floor debates to find other examples of Republican members violating decorum rules with no repercussions meted out.

I’d also like to see their “gender is binary law” challenged in a court of law. Would this be Scopes Trial part deux?


This is a righteous lawsuit.


In a study published in the journal Injury Prevention in 2019, researchers estimated that 3% of American adults owned approximately 50% of the guns in the country.


You GO, girl!


Just like the two TN House members ejected became national figures with now-national reach fundraising power. There’s gotta be a shorthand term for this, like “streisand effect”.


The Montana ACLU is representing Zephyr in the case. It names the state of Montana, the Montana House’s sergeant-at-arms, and speaker of the Montana House Rep. Matt Regier (R) as defendants.

Wait, Montana has an ACLU?


I once had lunch with the head of the Alabama ACLU. Good guy.


It’s important to understand that Montana is not Tennessee. That this is happening in Montana is shocking, honestly. It shows you just how far the GOP has come, or rather how low they have gone.


I take it you’re not from the west. Montana might be heavily armed, but I would not consider them heavily crazy. A gun and a hand if someone from Montana is far safer than again in the hand of someone from Tennessee, or for that matter California.

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Downward Deviance is becoming a competitive sport within the GOP. Primaries demand The Crazy in thought and deed, however performative.


The are not Idaho crazy, but I read somewhere that they do have some militias that like to engage in political intimidation.

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That quote will look great engraved on someone’s tombstone.

Also, “she took extra comfort in the notion that guns don’t kill people!”

Just as an aside, if the rightists get their way I’ll be too busy working until I die, to give a damn who leaves what dump in which rest room


A duly elected member of the Montana legislature is banned from the chamber where the member meet.
So much for having a differing opinion from the GOP majority. Another instance where “democracy” got stuck in quick sand.