Missouri Voters Enshrined Abortion Rights. GOP Lawmakers Are Already Working to Roll Them Back.

Originally published at: Missouri Voters Enshrined Abortion Rights. GOP Lawmakers Are Already Working to Roll Them Back. - TPM – Talking Points Memo

This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. One month after Missouri voters approved a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to abortion, Republican lawmakers in the deeply red state are already working to overturn…

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State-level protections aren’t going to mean jack squat when Congress passes a national abortion ban and dump signs it into law. The voters who believed that dump would “leave it to the states” are fools who believe liars.


Hey we had to try. And at least here in MO we had our voices heard.

On to my favorite WTAF comments. Yes we voted for Amendment 3, but then they-do not include me in the “they” that voted to re-elect or elect Republicans. Mo AG Bailey had his first at bat to being elected, formerly was appointed, and he tried his damnedest to keep the voters from getting a chance to vote for abortion rights. Then there were the court cases, and the same people who voted for Amendment 3 voted to retain certain judges that were on the ballot to be retained or not retained that tried to keep Amendment 3 off the ballot. :roll_eyes:

And state Rep Justin Sparks is having a cow over where the yes on Amendment three came from. Maybe some Dem should try to pass legislation that if you don’t have womb you don’t have a say?


Yup. Missourians voted to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution while simultaneously voting for the same Christo-fascist clowns that made it necessary to do so in the first place.

Nothing quite like the “Show Me (Whiplash) State.” It ain’t pronounced “Misery” for nuttin’.


Trying to imagine the cognitive dissonance required to vote in favor of abortion protections and to vote for trump is truly mind bending for me. But many, many voters in states like FLA, MO, and AZ voted for abortion protections and then turned around and voted for the party has promised to take them away. I can’t wrap my head around it.


Democrats need to fully absorb the fact that Republicans couldn’t give a damn about their constituents and if they pretend to, they will reverse themselves after they win reelection. I’m not sure what it will take for people to really understand this in a deep way - and then behave accordingly - i.e., FIGHT BACK (that’s mainly for Democratic MOC).


The American people choose Trump which means we won so suck it up.
WE, the other half are not Americans.
Missouri people choose abortion rights but the GOP will not suck it up they will destroy the rights of the majority.


Of course. SCREW the voters. They didn’t DO what the ‘Cons’ wanted them to do so…


Missouri Voters Enshrined Abortion Rights. GOP Lawmakers Are Already Working to Roll Them Back.

Voters? We don’t need no stinking voters.


So much for “We the People.”


One measure would ask voters to amend the state constitution to define life as beginning at conception

Life begins at first breath.

Keep government out of religion.


GOP “Let the People in the States Decide”
GOP “Until the People vote wrongly.”


Well, there you go! Once more we have proof that State legislatures are just as corrupt as Congress. The only solution is term limits, which will never happen, so the only chance is if enough voters vote the corrupt legislators out of office.Good luck with that!

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Term Limits are not the answer. Voting for better people is the answer.

The GOP in CA pushed for term limits because they hated Willie Brown. So we got term limits, and constant churn of Representatives. But did you know governing is complicated? And requires a bit of institutional knowledge?


This is by no means Missouri Republicans’ first time to do this. After concealed carry failed in a referendum, the Legislature put it in place, anyway. And after a 70+% passage of a minimum wage referendum, the Legislature went after that, too.


Allow me to explain. Babies are made from eggs produced by women. We all like eggs. But eggs are too damn expensive. Trump promises to reduce the price of eggs. Results: vote for the abortion amendment and for Trump. Simple (the pejorative definition) “reasoning”.

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AZ voters did the exact same thing. Voted the actual amendment into law, then re-elected the justices on our supreme court who just months before had said a Civil War era law against abortion was legitimate law.

The only way to view this is that there is a large cohort of people across the country who simply don’t link the harm these legislators and judges do with the actual policies and laws they promote. Incomprehensible to people who actually pay attention, but not a problem for millions of people apparently. FOX hasn’t just corrupted politics beyond recognition, they have also made us a much stupider country.


One of the proposals that I didn’t catch the first three times I read the article was that the Republicans want a proposal to only allow a rape/incest victim who becomes pregnant from their assault can only receive an abortion if they file a police report. So I’m trying to figure out if/when a child will be taught that they must file a police report, or they will have to go through with pregnancy?


Given that United Healthcare CEO was clearly assassinated for being a fucking lowlife scumbag, I would suggest that the legislators in MO heed the advice of a one Walter White, “If you don’t know who I am, then it’s best for you to tread lightly.”

Politicians are not our best or brightest and I don’t think a single one of them has contemplated the Pandora’s Box they just opened. People fucking despise health insurance companies and once they figure out that the Republicans have been protecting these motherfuckers for decades, well, it’s gonna suck to be a health insurance scumbag or a Republican. Because people do what they see, and you can feel the terror of the rich in the tenor of the news reports. They are aggressively trying to tamp this shooting down by referring to it as “terrible” and “evil” and blah blah blah. Bullshit. If someone can use AI to deny claims and let people die, then I’m sorry but the motherfucker got exactly what he deserved.

Being a morbid mind this AM, I think the most fitting thing that could have happened to the United Healthcare CEO was to be wounded. And then go through the indignity of having to fight his own company for surgery.