A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.
You might be thinking, “Cristina, are you seriously talking about this Nicki Minaj testicle thing for a third day in a row?” and I regret to inform you that yes, I am, and that’s because the White House actually got involved yesterday.
Not sure what it says about our country when the opinions of a woman who expressly sells sex to a female demographic ages 10-13 while dressed as a plastic fuck-doll makes the news. I imagine it is mostly so people look at her tits and ass. What a world we live in.
@isakindamagic What’s far worse is the plastic doll gives medical advice and people believe it. It’s the same sort of celebrity worship that gave us TMFWWNBN.
Her cousin’s friend probably has an STI, if his story is even true. This is part of a larger problem with getting people vaccinated. People who get vaccinated and then suffer some malady are attributing that malady to the vaccine. They think that Bob got alcohol poisoning because he got the vaccine and not because Bob drank a liter of gin. The stupid really is stunning.
You don’t even need to have an ironclad understanding of statistics to know that occasionally, something bad will happen to someone shortly after they are vaccinated. But to the gullible and perpetually unhappy, that’s too much for them to handle.
The nitwit’s cousin’s friend’s fiancé must have done her own research and discovered that the vaccine doesn’t do that, but instead the most common cause of orchitis is chlamydia. Hence, she justifiably called off the wedding.
This is what you get when your culture is based on a star system. Even the fact we are still talking about her friends cousins balls in relation to other world events is ridiculous. TPM should know better but they need the clicks.