Milley Feared Trump Could Potentially Launch Coup | Talking Points Memo

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

Bombshell: Gen. Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, prepared for the absolute worst after Trump refused to accept his defeat in the 2020 election, according to a new book by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

General Miley was in the room when it happened. It’s not hearsay. The 1/6 Committee should call his testimony.


Good God, It Was Even Worse Than We Knew

Some of us anyway. It’s just confirmation of what we knew for the rest of us.


My normal response to people who compare others to Nazis is to tell them to shut up and stop sounding stupid. Exaggeration doesn’t help our understanding, and it’s normally a bullshit rhetorical tactic to avoid being pertinent.

This instance is different.


Yeah…there were noises about this at the time, this is just more exact.

ETA. And the Orange devil really is in the details.


Here’s a lightly fictionalized portrayal, fifteen years before it happened, of Milley telling Trump the military won’t be involved. NSFW, but neither was the original, I’m sure.


I have always thought the “Nazi” label was a cheap stunt (“soup Nazi”, “feminazi”, etc.). But FatAss, Stephen Miller & Co have literally been following the Goebbels / Goering playbook, so, as you said, it’s different this time. And appropriate.


OT: Kremlin Papers Show Putins Plot (from The Guardian)

Be wary of this until it gets more verification (Why was this leaked? Why now? Cui bono?), but if real, yet more evidence Trump was installed by the Russians. He’s Putin’s puppet.


@Ethics_Gradient Any guesses why this nugget was released now? Book publicist?


Might just be pot-stirring to roil up our society because the government is less chaotic (with the legislature a notable exception) and any distraction helps them.


No, I have no idea. If it’s real, it looks like it came from the Kremlin itself, which would suggest that it’s not a book publicity stunt. Maybe just more efforts to destabilize the US and stir the pot?


So it’s worthy of investigation. I concur. You’re not appointed Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff if not credible over a long period of time. I know of nothing that would significantly impeach Milley’s testimony. It would be good to get "headline talent" like Milley scheduled for the 1/6 committee, ASAP. It would also encourage truthful testimony by others. Subpoena him of course. Don’t let him look eager to testify. Oh, and let’s set rules for the committee that there will be no testimony by the Members, unless sworn in. We’ve been through that with Jordan, Gaetz, and others twice, when TMFWWNBN was impeached twice.


Cut bono? Putin, of course.

Putin just likes stirring the pot to increase destabilization in the US. Releasing something like this will outrage the Dems even more than we already are, at a time when the Cult of Trump appears to be strengthening. The GQP/MAGAt contingent all say “better Russky than Dem”…

It’s like throwing oil on the fire. I can easily imagine Putin releasing this to show 1) nya-nya-nya, we gotcha, suckers (power play) and 2) to try to see if he can push us further toward civil war — which would suit him just fine.

In either case, he thinks he’ll come out as the strong man, which is what he wants. (And let’s not forget that Biden didn’t kowtow, which is a change after FatAss grovelling…)

@Fire_Joni_Ernst @mattinpa


Could be.

I put this here, so if it turns out to be fake, I’m somewhat responsible, so I think we need to be wary about the veracity of this for a while.


Oh, i agree. But it would fit into Putin’s playbook, because he in no way comes out looking weak or damaged. Exactly the opposite. He looks clever by manipulating Trump and hoodwinking us, especially after Mueller dropped the ball and the impeachment went nowhere.

And even if he “denies” it, we need to keep in mind he’s KGB-trained. Disinformation is his lifeblood.


He DID launch a coup.

It just wasn’t backed by the military (not active military, anyway).

Perhaps calling them “losers” and “suckers” wasn’t such a good idea?


Thank FSM he’s so incompetent and maniacal.


Biden isn’t going to let Putin get away with what he did. Guess we have spies in Russia.


“You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with guns.”

I wish all the gun hoarders and wild-eyed “tyranny protectors,” from III%ers to “good guys with a gun,” could understand that last sentence right there. These are the guys with the guns that make all your peashooters and posturing look like the cosplay it is. You’re not gonna successfully go up against the U.S. military, FFS. (And why any of them should consider that a good idea in the first place is beyond me.)


Haha! Of course you found a scene from The Wire…!