You may remember Tina Peters, the clerk in conservative Mesa County, Colorado, who’s now under investigation for allegedly helping facilitate the leak of sensitive election software information to a QAnon influencer.
If it’s good enough for a former professional surfer and a guy that sells pillows for a living, how is this even a discussion anymore? Obviously Xenu sent a message over the internet that changed all the votes.
When you dive down a rabbit hole, I guess all you can see are the walls of the burrow, but damn these fools take the cake.
One thing I’ve noticed about evangelicals is a general willingness to lie and cheat in the promotion of their faith, as if that excused all bad acts, and if anything convinced me Trumpism has become a cult it’s seeing that kind of behavior on behalf of his myth.
“The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief.” – Jacques Ellul
When that escalator descended with Trump on it, few grasped the ills that have been unleashed. Ironically, the 2020 election–an occasion which should be a Turning Point-- unleashed versions of these ills which are ghastly in their own right
Props to Matt Shuham! What prepares a journalist for sorting out this Gordian knot of crazy? And how does Josh Marshall protect Matt and the rest of his stellar team from getting the bends descending into these depths. God bless’em for going there so we don’t have to.
People had better pay close attention to this quote. Opinion and Belief.
We had better think about that. The former has a chance to be shifted (as it was for me when I shifted some perspectives in the past). The latter has a greater permanence, especially in certain target audiences.
[Democratic SoS Jena] Griswold has ordered that the county’s election equipment be replaced, and she’s removed Peters from her role as the elections administrator in Mesa County.
Cue the GOP rage machine - Democrats seize power in Mesa County in effort to manipulate elections. Peters was removed for her role in actual election tampering while the GOP is in the process of taking over Fulton County because it had the audacity to vote Democratic, a distinction that will never see the light of day in right wing world.
If you challenge someone’s belief they harden their stance because you are attacking the core of their being and world view. The effort goes beyond being a lost cause.