“As connoisseurs of the absurd, TPM provides the following update.”
You go, Matt @mattshuham
“As connoisseurs of the absurd, TPM provides the following update.”
You go, Matt @mattshuham
Instead, as Lindell told Vice News last week, he’d taken Peters to Texas. Then, after Peters’ location leaked, Lindell took her somewhere else in the state.
The basement of the Alamo?
Not to defend Evangelicals, but I will like to point out that all religions do that. I am still waiting for a non-BS based religion.
As the great and underrated Brian May wrote…
Oh the Red man knows war
With his hands and his knives
On the bible you swore
Fought your battle with lies
Oh yeah
What have you got to lose? … lol
TrumpWorld has at least 101 points of legally actionable attack by a number of actors. Enough for front-page type attention in perpetuity.
That’s why the Right is cheering what is happening in Afghanistan…to the point of dredging up as many pundits (and pundit wannabes) as possible.
I am betting on Our Side…101 is a big number…
Many years ago, a hypnotist told me that no one can be involuntarily hypnotized. The subject has to desire to enter a hypnotic state, trust the hypnotist and relax in order for the induction to work. I think that is how MAGA works. Most of the drivel spoken by Mr. Trump and MAGA leaders is indeed: as former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell asserted regarding her stolen election claims, too outlandish to be believed by any “reasonable person”. I just don’t think 74 million people are that stupid. Instead, MAGA followers are willing themselves to believe the nonsense that is being fed to them because they want to believe it.
Deep down they probably know that it’s all a lie, but the MAGA fantasy is so appealing to them that they just don’t care. Once one lie has been accepted it becomes the foundation for new fabrications, and after a certain point the truth or falsity of the original myths no longer matter. It’s rather depressing that 74 million people hate the idea of a truly multicultural America that much, but that’s where we are.
You can find them on the shelf right next to the horse paste.
Huh? So Peters is getting a tour of luxury hotel rooms led by The Pillow Guy…a ‘surfer’ somehow thinks he gets to have information about the voters and QAnon thinks this is ‘proof’ of … something. WTF?
Surfin’ Guy making waves in Arizona. . .
. . .where all that fine beachfront property is.
Ducks of a feather. . .
We are living in bizarro world, day after day. Trump won the 2017 election, and now over 600,00 Americans have lost their lives. A tragedy that did not have to be as deadly as it is. Any other president would have been up to the task and taken steps to protect us. How many would still be alive? Of course, right wing “leaders” went along with TFG. This is a disgraceful chapter in the history of this country.
We are conditioned to believe nonsense since the early childhood with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, take a little tour in any town in America on a sunday morning and you will see legions of otherwise smart, reasonable people swallowing down the BS being spewed by well known charlatans.
The mere fact that there’s nothing there PROVES there’s something there, because if there was really nothing there we’d be able to find it.
Not exactly on topic, but nor exactly off topic either. . .
I pulled up behind this yesterday:
Some people turn themselves into stereotypes.
I have struggled to understand white evangelicals’ aversion to vaccines, etc. Most likely they are trying to bring on the “End Times” by their behavior:
Bennie Hill starring in “Springtime for Hitler” featuring Freddie Krueger and the Three Stooges. Quite a spectacle.
I think it’s more of a nutwork…
“You know, when people leave for whatever reason — if they’re looking for something, they’re going to find something,” she added.
Clever, very clever. And here are several other cagey statements by astute criminals.
Of course, you can search my house, officers. As long as you don’t go in the basement.
C’mon sir! If I were drunk, how could I have driven 90 down that one way?
How did I know Mrs. Smith had 8 stab wounds with a serrated knife? Um, wasn’t that in the newspapers?
Hopefully, one that will take them back.
Keystone Cops at work. These people ought to be locked up in a padded cell for their own protection.