A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
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A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
I wonder how von ShitzInPants’ day will go today?
David Sanborn is grew up in my town. No wonder I like the sax.
Are you expecting fireworks?
Anyone wanna bet Johnson, Vance, et al., send their travel bills to attend the trial to the House (or Senate) finance offices to be reimbursed as official expenses?
Can they bill their campaign?
‘The gibberish’ is also the point. The increasing illogicality of Mr. Trump’s speech is a key feature of his support. His supporters correctly view him as a tabula rasa: a blank slate on to which they can display all their fears and anger toward the people they hate.
Speaker Johnson had his ‘brief shining moment’. Now he can return to being a typical MAGA pol.
Trump’s not going to pick Burgum. His name is one letter longer and he has two u’s. Won’t make a good logo.
House Democrats – who wield no subpoena power but understand the messaging value of hard-hitting investigations – have launched a probe of Donald Trump’s meeting last month with oil executives at Mar-a-Lago, where he implored them to funnel $1 billion to campaign and touted it as a good investment.
If he promised all that to oil executives, imagine what he’s promised to Netanyahu.
Campaign cash is still somewhat technically their discretionary spending whereas billing it to the gov means someone else entirely is paying it for them.
As fiscal conservatives who constantly moan about the deficit, you know which way they’ll go. /s
Slobbering over the fat orange ass wherever it may fart is now the job of the loyal lapdog corps. Besides, most of them are jostling for the VP spot.
I remember the aforementioned, because a reporter tried to slag Jeffries about honesty.
It’s a safe bet that he won’t be happy with how his lawyers handle the cross-examination of Cohen, whatever they do. He’ll want them to attack him harder than the judge will allow. Expect deep frowns, grumbling, and a smellier than usual courtroom.
Isn’t there a government to run? I guess courtroom slobbering is the Republican way to accomplish things when not in Congress, doing nothing.
Something like that.