Michigan Republicans Replace Officials Who Certify Vote Totals

What is it about "Michiganders’?

I have family and connections from this state and the weirdest thing about them is they tend to never leave the state. They are stuck in this weird ‘border fence’ that deifies imagination. It’s like they are afraid to encounter anyone who might be different in fear their base beliefs might be challenged.

Michigan has lots to be proud of, but as a basic society, they are either BIG local union folks, or everyone else who tends to look down on the average worker. In my family, they are both and sometimes married to each other. But, they collectively are so anchored to Michigan and their narrow world thinking, any thought beyond their own narrative seems to beyond their scope.

Anyone out there, if you think or have experienced differently, please help me understand.

I struggle with their worldview but want to know more, so I can have a wider worldview.

What is it about these folks, other than hanging out at the bar 9 months out of the year, can provide insight to their thinking? Just askin’


Doomed to fail…
Why, you ask?


Everything he touched dies or fails.
His legacy to humanity is covid.

Republicans (I call the Goobers) have completely rejected democracy. If there is an “election” it’s only fair if they win they say. That isn’t democracy, it’s immature spoiled child-like IDIOCY

If some sort of voting rights bill isn’t passed soon we will cease to be America. And the goddamned filibuster will ensure we become a one party autocracy. That anyone would support trump is fucking lunacy.
If you think I am pissed off you would be correct.


I don’t know what Step 2 is but if we keep allowing the GQP to run roughshod over our Democracy, Step 2 will be to surrender ourselves to a one party Dictatorship under Trump, or something worse.


Pretty sure from his attitude that he will only certify a gop win, facts be damned.

You’re right. It totalitarianism.

“So, the question still remains: does the residency requirement mean seven consecutive years immediately preceding the election or any given seven years?”

Oh, Arkansas. I won’t criticize you.

If you promise not to criticize President Biden.

Is Louie Gohmert a negative number?


Is that comparable to a Gohmert?

Intellectually, not really.

First, stop drinking from @sniffit’s water glass.

Second, if you have, you’re gonna want to drink a beer and put on some Allman Brothers. (Love ya , @sniffit)

Third, what are you gonna do about it?

Talk amongst yourself. You seem to be good at it.


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I should point out that the Michigan Supreme Court is 4-3 Democratic with no terms ending until after 2022. But both a Rep and Dem seat will be in play in 2022.

Short form, vote negation shenanigans will not pass and Whitmer will follow the court’s instructions should it come to that in 2022. But Dems better have their game on and win one of those two court seats at a minimum, and all state wide at best. Otherwise, the game could be quite different in 2024.


But they’re making progress on tearing down Democracy.

“That’s a real time-consuming thing there,” Boyd said.
Yes, thinking requires time. Being a moron, requires no time of your own but wastes a lot of time of others.



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As a Michigander ex-pat, with family born and raised in Michigan scattered all over the US (and, in my case, transatlantic), it’s not at all clear to me where this rather nasty post comes from. Plenty of other expats from Michigan, a few right here near where I live here in Germany. Likewise, born and raised Michigan friends who have spent years living abroad on various continents and elsewhere in the US, even if they are back there now and have clearly retained their world-open views.

Maybe it’s your family and friends? 'Cause it ain’t mine…

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We were protesting and blocking entrances so they came in the back door and that’s like totally suspicious.


Republicans face minority status due to demographics and radicalization and are now only able to achieve national office by cheating. Republicans are growing desperate to seize power now while democrats are weak and disorganized.Without opposition from the opposition party the republicans will run roughshod over democracy which they have no use for now that is does not give them power over others. It all boils down to one thing, conservatives/republicans are willing to fight us for and cheat us out of control of the levers of power and wealth and if we we are not prepared to resist of fight back our democracy is gone.

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