U.S. District Judge Linda Parker for the Eastern District of Michigan is holding a hearing Monday morning on whether or not to sanction some of the loudest propagators of the most brazenly absurd conspiracy theories around the 2020 election.
Judge Parker may have some choice words for these folks, but it’s just a hearing, and it’s on Zoom. I’m not expecting many fireworks out of this.
Fines, yes. Bar from practicing in the district, conceivable. But disbarment is not a remedy that can be imposed here. Maybe a referral to the applicable bar associations, however.
Around one-quarter of one percent (that’s 0.23 percent) of the nearly 1.3 million practicing lawyers in the U.S. are publicly disciplined for ethical misconduct each year.
The most common form of public discipline is suspension, followed by disbarment.
“In 2018 [the most recent year with available data], 2,872 lawyers were publicly disciplined for misconduct in 45 states and the District of Columbia,” says the report. “That represents roughly one-quarter of 1 percent of all practicing lawyers with active licenses in those states.”
The woman claiming she vetted the affidavits is so full of shit it’s not even funny.
And Kleinhendler is digging a hole.
Also, someone should probably let Powell know that “I don’t remember if I reviewed the affidavit before or after filing the Complaint” is a bad answer lol
I’m sure the Judge will understand how a lawyer for a private client needs to keep a “confidential federal informant” secret. Because that is TOTALLY how this sort of things work. TOTALLY.
The Judge should sanction these defense lawyers, too.