When Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) accused Republicans of manufacturing “fake issues,” several Republicans apparently took that as serious advice.
Don’t these assholes have infrastructure issues to address, redevelopment zones to create, lead in water to clean up, social services needing bolstered? WTF?
Uncle Miltie, old episodes of Bosom buddies. The classic film Some like it hot etc. These fools would be scouring the libraries in the state for old VHS copies of them.
As someone who came to age in the 70’s listening to the pop rock of the era a lot of the bands from Bowie to Queen and T-Rex put the androgyny and flamboyant stage shows forefront as part of their act. You can argue that the punk and new wave movements were a reaction to them because they were stripped down and basic.
Just as likely, the answers they do come up with don’t solve the problems they purportedly address.
“More tax cuts, anyone? Maybe some deregulation? On business, that is.”