Michael Bloomberg Poised To File For Democratic Presidential Primary In Alabama

Hmph. Last I heard the guy was a Republican, anyway he was when I voted against him for mayor 1, 2, 3 times. I can’t even recall offhand who his opponents were, just that they were in the D column. And he did the best a NYC mayor could to help re-elect George W. Bush, hosting the NYC Rep (!) convention and all. . .


Once we define everyone who lives in the same state as an ethnic nation, then Presto! – all states are ethinically homogeneous!


So…why Alabama? Why only one of the Super Tuesday primaries? And again, out of all those primaries…why Alabama? What makes it the key to winning the nomination? It can’t be that Alabaman Democrats are going to be more open to his message than Oklahomans, or Texans, or Alaskans. It certainly isn’t because it has a huge number of delegates on offer, so…what’s the plan here? Win 1/17 of the Super Tuesday primary vote and…profit?

Is there a truism in presidential politics that reads, “He who wins Alabama wins the White House?”

I am genuinely failing to identify the logic here. By (presumably) winning Alabama, is Bloomberg going to work the press to change the national opinion–you know, “I won in Alabama because America is a central-right country, and my ability to carry it means that I am the only one who can take down Trump”? If so, then what kind of case can the person who wins Oklahoma (cough Warren cough) make? Is he operating under the strange delusion that he’ll win over the delegates from California and New York (among others) in the months leading up to the convention?

I know that billionaires live in a bubble, but…really?

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People who know nothing about Ancient Egypt should not be writing about Ancient Egypt.


No more billionaires … please.


Yeah…but that was going to happen no matter who the President was, as long as it was a republican.

And Trump had almost zero input (probably did have zero input) on any of them. They have all been chosen for him.

That’s McConnell’s mark on the country, the legacy he has been determined to leave for a very long time.


Neither was Gatsby; he made his fortune as a bootlegger. And while technically, that quote is from a separate short story , the short story is largely seen as an extension of the Great Gatsby.



Because Alabama has the earliest filing deadline, next week. That’s all it is.


With the Democratic endorsement, likely, but I’d hate to have to make the choice.
It’s kind of a tiger and the tiger pick.
ETA: It’s a bad choice in either case and will bring misfortune to people like me.

Time for him to tap out.


Yeah, but Gym might benefit from a thorough explanation of what a whistle blower is all about.


You may be a rascal but posts like this are why you’re my favorite crone. :star_struck:


Being in the metro area while Bloomberg was Mayor Of New York.Saw and heard him on the tube and radio daily,again NO THANKS .


He’s not even my fifteenth choice. If tRump hasn’t disproved the whole “Billionaire Business Men Make Great Presidents” line, nothing will.

Sill, I’ll vote for him over the treasonous crap-in-the-bag trick that’s currently in office.


Welcome to the era of sh*tty.

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He’s filing in the Democratic primary. He’s apt to have about as much success as Steyer.

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Yeah. Unrebutted ads are currently running against our Senators such as Peters and the seven and the squad. Public ads and Facebook ads woukd be useful.


Well that super duper rich guy Gates said she would take the first year of the tax $100B of his $106B. In actuality her plan would tax something like $3B of his $106B per year over and about the $10B he currently pays which would still be lower than what the average American pays. Since he has $100B it is simple math, he is currently paying under 10% per year. My, that is tough, the average Joe only pays an average of 14% on gross income per year, when you add in ALL taxes he is paying on average 24%.

So that absolutely justifies another rich guy to run, well done Michael. The American people will not stand for the unfair tax burden being asked of the wealthy by Warren.

Update: Warren put out a calculator and guess what, I’m wrong, Gates would pay $6.379bn in tax next year. So the percentage taxes Gates would pay is way less than the 10% that I estimated. I cry for the pauper Gates if Warren would get in and manage to get her idea passed.


Proving again how terrified of Warren the plutocrats are.
How DARE THEY want to raise the Plutocrats taxes!!!
Bloomberg will split the vote to ensure that Trump gets re-elected so he can keep his tax cuts,
Elitist asshole.