May this primary continue to evolve not like 2016, but like 2004, with the writing on the wall and an electorate generally ready to move on to the general.
Joe’s on a roll. yeah!!!
one problem though, if warren backs bernie and biden still wins the nomination,
what will there base voters do???
biggy question.
vote for the good of the country or stay home disappointing.
The tenor of Sanders-versus-every-other-Democrat would be comical were it not so dangerous. One thing I have learned, however, is this:
People who are willing to trash the only viable political vehicle available to rid the United States of Trumpism (as a result of Sanders not getting the Democratic Nomination) have obviously never thought long and hard about what the word “fascism” means.
If Sanders (who I loathe) were to come up with the Democratic Nomination, I would vote for him. Because I know what the word “fascism” means.
Yes, we get it, Trump Plant No. 385, the Trump campaign and Faux News have decided that the divisive wedge of the moment is to focus on the Iraq War and they have you and your other trolls busy trying to make it a thing. Here’s one of your fellow employees staging his little stunt for Faux News to report about later:
““They are dead. Millions are dead in Iraq! He will not be allowed to be President! Trump is more anti-war than Joe Biden!” Thurman exclaimed.”
Indeed. However, I am not looking forward to the Sisyphean task of trying convince Sander’s supporters that treading water is a better idea than just throwing one’s hands up and sinking.
Your speculation about the motives of actual Veterans is pretty sickening.
"In the video of the encounter Michael Thurman, an Air Force Veteran and conscientious objector, asks Biden “why should we vote for someone who voted for a war that killed thousands of our brothers and sisters and countless Iraqi civilians?” He went on to stress, “you enabled that war. You also gave a medal to the man who caused that war. That blood is on your hands as well” referencing the ceremony on Veterans Day in 2018 when Biden presented George W. Bush with the Liberty Medal for his “support for veterans.”