I don’t think the two things are at all comparable.
I quoted his motives. It was clearly a setup and he was clearly sent there to stage the confrontation on behalf of Trump. And you pointing out that he’s done it before. Moreover, the story you linked was written by him and the organization he belongs to. Him yelling nonsense about Trump being less of a war monger, a man who wants to use our nukes (even on hurricanes) and who greenlighted Turkey’s ongoing attempt to eradicate the Kurds and oblierated any hope of peace between Israel and the Palestinians by greenlighting Israel’s behavior, gives the game away.
Remarkable coincidence that you’re here spewing stuff that is clearly part of the right wing’s strategies though, eh?
Oh God…are you taking those supplements you ordered from the Infowars website?
What on the next cue card? “Neoliberals”?
It would be myopia if he wasn’t actually just here trying to help Trump. Something something shoe fits…
What is your evidence that this was “clearly a setup” by this member of About Face: Veterans Against the War? Your gut feeling? Please explain.
Again, he’s done it before to Biden. Dude isn’t in it to raise an issue or have a conversation. He’s there to denigrate, yell, attack and, as he himself stated, support Trump. You know, Trump, the guy you support who lit his combover on fire about the Obama-Biden administration withdrawing our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and “shrinking our military”…not to mention the rest of the things Obama and Biden did to try to end the military adventurism that this guy is ignoring?
Warren voters are NOT looking to upend the Democrat party. Warren might endorse Bernie now, but the moment Biden clinches the nomination she will immediately throw her support to him.
LOL. The group he belongs to are NOT Trump fans. And what he said was this:
Trump is more anti-war than Joe Biden!
You’re way off base. Just talking counterfactual shit…
We definitely need the Lincoln Project guys (Steve Schmidt & Rick Wilson). Conway and Kristol are kind of elite critics. Entertainingly useful, but with a limit. Schmidt and Wilson are professional assassins, who already have the blueprints to the opposition base. Hope Bloomberg sees fit to give them a chuck of change.
Then why is he yelling pro-Trump nonsense at a Biden crowd? Seems an awfully odd shtick for someone not supporting Trump.
And what fun!!! You provided a tweet from a rabid Trump KKKultist promoting the guy’s shtick.
Meanwhile, they haven’t pulled these stunts on Trump at all…
I agree and it’s not like I imvited any of them to the party. But if they want to join in the stop Trump movement, I’m not going to reject them either.
Rogan is not the same thing. He’s a professional asshole.
He wasn’t.
I provided a tweet from the Veterans group that clearly disassociates them from supporting Trump, which has that tweet embedded inside it. Do you get how Twitter works?
Why do you lie so much?
I quoted it. He did.
Actions > words.
I’ll take that as “Yes, I have absolutely no idea how Twitter works”
Thanks Comrade.
(Try Harder, it’s not working.)
That would be because you’re a troll.
I supported Warren. I am less keen about the two remaining candidates, but will of course vote for either. Neither bothers me in a serious way, though some of Bernie’s more fervent fans are pretty irritating especially in their social media persona.
You don’t understand basic English either, it would appear.