MI GOP Moves To Replace Canvassing Board Member Who Certified Results For Biden | Talking Points Memo

OT, WaPo

FBI moves on alleged members of extremist groups after riot

Jon Schaffer, an Indiana musician, turned himself in to the FBI on Sunday afternoon, officials said. On Jan. 6, Schaffer was photographed inside the Capitol, wearing a hat that said “Oath Keepers Lifetime Member.” Schaffer founded Iced Earth, a heavy-metal band, and music fans quickly recognized him as the FBI circulated wanted posters with his face on them.
Watkins and Crowl were among about 10 individuals recorded at the U.S. Capitol wearing combat helmets, ballistic goggles, tactical vests and Oath Keepers patches who “move[d] in an organized and practiced fashion and force[d] their way to the front of the crowd” to lead the siege and break-in, FBI affidavits said.


We have two democratic senators in DC and the top tier of leadership are dems.

As soon as this freaking gerrymandering gets fixed, we should be in a much better place in the legislature. The Michigan Supreme Court is also now in dem control.


oh, I think it’s going to be a lot longer than that.
2 years fly by quickly when times are good and they have to somehow hide all this burden they created for themselves. The democrats cannot lose focus and keep them on there knees . trump will help as long as the revenge list still has a name on it. you know, being backstabbed and all. lol
got to set up the next election right or we might get burned by lies all the way to 2024.
hopefully a big chunk, 50 million or so, will learn something about scumbags and how they operate.


The Governor is required to pick one of the three names submitted by the “major political party,” and she has a finite time in which to make the choice.

See 168.22a (2) below.



Yeah, what republicans want is national unity.

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yep they are and the bigger problem is all these women running things. you know they are even worse than a democrat trying to make the first real communist state in the country.


That’s all just state level ratfuckery…

It’s much more treacherous at the Federal level…


Agreed. When you’re kicking people out of your party because they are simply doing the bare minimum of their job requirements, because they refuse to be so hilariously partisan as to strip themselves of every last shred of decency and patriotism, that doesn’t say much for the long term viability of your party. Before long they’re going to be kicking people out for merely speaking to a Democrat.

You guys have done a phenomenal job of snatching your state back from the brink. As amazing as Stacy Abrams and her team in GA has been, I’d love to see some media attention on MI and how you guys got your state to snap out of it. And maybe send a little of that good juju down to KY.


Michigan GOP Chair Laura Cox has the authority to nominate a replacement for Van Langevelde when his board term ends on Jan. 31, and she sent three names to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Trump loyalist Linda Lee Tarver, who filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against the Board of State Canvassers; Tony Daunt, executive director of Michigan Freedom Fund and Tori Sachs, executive director of Michigan Rising Action.

And here I was sure that they would replace Van Langevelde with Melissa Carone.


The only lesson the GOP took from this election is that they didn’t stack the deck enough. Every red state will soon follow suit to put more party-over-country ideologues in positions that can effect electoral outcomes, along with their usual voter suppression skullduggery. By 2022, 2024 at the latest, no Dem will win a federal election without a landslide victory. Blue states face the unfortunate choice of installing their own ideologues or attempting to uphold the law, and thereby lose.


So, these guys then


These MI Republican freaks remind me of those Japanese found hiding in caves after the WWII, still willing to fight for a dead cause.


Well clearly the GOPers who want to replace this honest canvasser are part of the new BananaRpublicans.


I wonder how many registered Republicans will decide that this is not what they want in their political party. As more comes out about the crimes in DC, people may decide to change registration and voting patterns.
It’s easy to fall into a pattern of voting or political thought because you haven’t really thought about it deeply; when people are confronted with what they have been backing things may change.


There’s no doubt in my mind that a year or two from now even we will look back and say, “Damn, that was so much worse than I thought.” Sure, It’ll partly be because we’ll know much, much more about how grave the danger was and the level of criminality. However, it’ll also be due to the fact that you rarely realize how bad a situation is while you’re in it. Usually you only realize the gravity of it all once it’s over.


Well to be a true hero, you have to pay your dues.

No good deed goes unpunished in this world.

He’s welcome in the Democratic Party. Heretofore known as “the Party that doesn’t trash the capitol, to install their candidate into the White House for life.”


We were doing pretty well here until that awful election in 2010. It all went to hell when the republicans took control after the Census and redrew the map. We lost a lot of really good, hard-working dems in the next election.


Yeah, they talk about unity but don’t fucking cross the party because you would rather be true to your country. No unity in that it seems.


The DeVos Family and the Kochs have had a huge influence and deep pockets.

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