Meet the Pastors Holding In-Person Services During Coronavirus | Talking Points Memo

Or the old smoking sections in airplanes!


That’s part of their insidious plan. They know that God will protect them, therefore God will use them as asymptomatic carriers, to kill off the unbelievers. Snark Alert!

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That’s exactly what this is about. Can’t get that tithe money if the parishioners aren’t in church. Sure, they can set up online tithing, but it won’t be the same if you can’t shame them to their faces and if you can’t take the last dollar out of the hands of the little old lady who only uses cash.


Hold my beer land. A Darwin award to anyone who goes to church in person. And for those with brains, let’s make sure that the idiots get to wear a cone of shame afterward so we can identify them and stay far far away.

Don’t you mean more TP for the rest of us? Food I can find, TP not so much. And it’s not like I’m down to my last roll, but it’s been 2 1/2 weeks of noticing that there is no TP on the shelves where I shop.

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Could it be because of Psalm 23?

  1. Let the churches fill.
  2. Place the churches under seal of quarantine.

It’s Shake and Bake!

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Religious services can easily be done on-line or even postponed. The fact that some religious leaders argue otherwise, demonstrates its more about them and their coffers than about their parishioners or the Word of God.

People will likely die because of their misjudgment, not that it’s going to matter a whit because embracing religion often means throwing common sense out of the window, then stabbing it with a sharp knife, and because it’s Texas, shooting it twelve times to make sure it’s dead. These church leaders know they will suffer no consequences for their dangerous and reckless behavior.

It would seem the seeds of our destruction were planted even as the Pilgrims and Puritans came to colonize America in the early 17th century.

They killed the natives with smallpox and their ideological descendants are killing us with their beliefs.


Death cults. Pass the kool-aid.


We are in an existential battle with stupidity

I’m not being glib nor facile

In the past stupidity had a social cost

In the age of Fox news and social media

broadcasting stupidity will get you a cohort of head nodding fellow travelers who will give you affirmation.


“I truly believe the churches are first responders,”

Good. As your house burns down, just get in the car and go to church.

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I don’t know if I saw it on the Hive or somewhere else - but wouldn’t it be great if drive-in movie theaters re-opened?

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I bet the kids were glad.

Well, depending upon the denomination, for some of the Evangelicals, isn’t it “Snake and Bake”? :wink:


I hope the praise bands have been practicing Nearer My God To Thee.

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Update: the florida man pandemic pastor tony spell will be represented by alabama man Roy Moore. Fire the scriptwriters:

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Hmmm. If you allow multiple denominations, it could also be “Snake and Quake”. :wink:


Hey. @pluckyinky, long time no see. Welcome back. Missed you.

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