Medical Journal Calls Out ‘Factually Incorrect’ WHO Letter From Trump

The prestigious medical journal The Lancet called out President Donald Trump on a “factually incorrect” point that he attributed to the journal.

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“Factually Incorrect”

A lovely British euphemism for “outright fucking lies”.


Well, that really is the theme for Trump’s campaign…the next six months is going to be full of “factually incorrect” noise spewed in the hopes of fooling enough Americans into giving Trump another four years in office. Hopefully we don’t do so…we’ll get a lot of noise after that (and perhaps some violence from Trumpers who can’t handle the reality of his loss), but it will be worth it to see him and his lies pass into history.


Remember when world-renowned medical journals and other publications had to do this to refute Obama’s self-serving lies and misrepresentations?

No? Neither do I.

What a 4-year fucking embarrassment this has been. And it’ll get worse over the next 8 months … and even beyond, whether he loses or cheats again to win.


The DoNothing GOP has to lie and lie about its not doing anything.


the WHO “ignored credible reports of the virus spreading in Wuhan in early December 2019 or even earlier,

And tRump ignored the reports that he received in November 2019 of a potential viral threat. Why Because his intelligence community told him.


To which Trumplethinskin will upchuck “Fake Journal that nobody ever reads! Lousy ratings! Terrible reviews!”


Great, now Trump is going to have to cut off U.S. funding for the Lancet.


Not to mention too many big words.



And as bad as ignoring the November reports and December assessments was, did he or anyone in the administration bother sending these on to the WHO or to anyone who would actually do something?


The Lancet has had it with Donnie and his lying idiocy.


And any U.S. doctor or researcher who publishes a study in the Lancet will have all federal funding immediately suspended.


The Base is not the United States, Chump.


OT…Mnuchin now confirmed publicly that all employers who received massive checks have to do to fire people is offer them their return to work and if they refuse they cant get unemployment. We are about to watch the employer class wage war on the working class.


Lol. Seriously though, I do find it interesting that the explicit pushback so far has been from the UK-based Lancet. Not – so far as I’m aware – from the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, or similar “prestige” publications based out of the US. Have they just not gotten around to it? Or is it an editorial policy based on fear? Not all scientific journals publish editorials, but those do.

edit: okay the NEJM, at least, has published some editorials on the subject. However the language is notably for being careful and narrow to the point of obfuscation – take this editorial on hydroxychloroquine from early May, their last editorial on the subject. In journal-speak they’re saying evidence of efficacy is lacking, but they’re being soooo careful about saying that clearly that I don’t believe this ever made inroads in the public discourse.


“Crimson Contagion” basically a table top exercise for pandemics based on military war game strategies revealed the country was not prepared for any health care emergency let alone a global pandemic. The administration was aware of the exercise which ran from last January to August because it is handled by HHS-which is the Federal Government and part of the tRump administration. The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.

"OCTOBER 2019"

First warning by the intelligence community- NOVEMBER 2019

US intelligence informed the Trump administration, “which did not deem it of interest,” but the report said the Americans also decided to update two allies with the classified document: NATO and Israel, specifically the IDF
Last week, ABC News reported that US intelligence officials were warning about the coronavirus in a report prepared in November by the American military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence…Times of Israel


Plus no more student loans for attending the Lancet School of Medicine.


Yeah, they’re sure handing it to him.

Of course they’re not bothering with the word “lie” because Important People can’t ever have blunt language aimed at them.


Pass into jail, you mean.

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