McConnell-Schumer Standoff Over Impeachment Trial Continues On Senate Floor

…you can’t get there from here


McConnell is untrustworthy. He has openly admitted it.

If a Supreme Court seat became open right now? Why, I’d fill it.


Schumer is in much the stronger position in all this.

The latest polling showing 57% of the public in favor of more information and witnesses at the Senate trial has weakened Moscow Mitch’s hand and made his capitulation more likely.


Here’s the latest example of Speaker Pelosi’s “slow-walking” of the impeachment issue.



The evidence obtained and publicly presented during the House hearings clearly shows that the President (and Vice President) violated their oaths of office and were involved in bribery (of the political form) and abuse of office. It was a shakedown, plain and simple. They lied to the country to cover up their actions. These acts, which have been verified by numerous sources (including the President’s own words and those of his associates), are in violation of the US Constitution. He was impeached by the House based on his actions. He needs to be tried in the Senate for these acts against the US. There are rules and laws that we require all of our politicians to follow that are (and should be) unassailable. The President needs to be held accountable by a real trial in the Senate as a consequence - it does not matter what “people” think.

This situation is not at all like the political trial of President Clinton pushed by the Moral Majority, of whom none, as history has shown, would pass their own “purity” test. The integrity of the process of how we govern and operate in the US is at stake. The Republican Party has mutated into a malignant force in this country over the past 40 years, whose designs no longer address how to serve and uplift the entire population but only a select subset of individuals.

Let us also not forget the numerous other issues that have yet to be publicly discussed and investigated by the House. These include the President allowing foreign enemies (Russia, NOT Ukraine) to disrupt our elections, to spread false information that undermines our national and international objectives and roles, and his potential financial indebtedness to Russian money (i.e., he’s bought). Republican members want to remain in control and appear willing to pursue anything (including active voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts on their part) towards that goal.

The framers of our Constitution (in this case, I believe it was Madison as presented in the Federalist Papers), gave Senate members six year terms in an attempt to minimize the effect of heated popular or political opinions. They must serve as objective jurors and not shills for the President or Party, regardless of party affiliation or political beliefs. History will record the evidence presented as well as each Senator’s vote.

"Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

We need to ask each US Senator whether they care more about their salary or about the United States of America. It is that simple. We are not asking about their vote - that will ultimately be judged in the short term by the population and long term by history.

No, this is a matter for the Senate, who now need to serve our Country.


Thia coupled with a Spanky meltdown
Its not a matter of if but when
Nancy has taken up rent free residence in Trumps head and it is driving him Crazy(er)


He’s having a rally with evangelicals tonight in Miami.

It ought to be a real doozy.


She better be…she holds the trump card in all of this.


The thing is…if he could afford a real trial with witnesses and all, he would have set that up by now. But, as he knows, a real trial would be suicidal to Republicans in November. Not that the other option is much better.


Garaunt…fucking …teed
Whoo Boy the church he is speaking at … Grifter nutcase special Miracles and speaking in tongues

An Apostolic megachurch in a Miami suburb led by a pastor known for speaking in tongues and performing what he says are “miracles” will host President Donald Trump next week when the president is expected to issue a full-throated retort to calls from some in the Christian community for his removal from office.
The West Kendall church is believed to be one of the largest Hispanic congregations in the country and regularly draws thousands to its dramatic services. Led in English and Spanish by founder Guillermo Maldonado — who goes by the title of apostle — it is the flagship of a chain of 10 affiliated campuses from Chicago to Homestead and has its own broadcasting network, university and an outdoor pool for full-immersion baptisms.

Watch the Fireworks


Hugs from California.


How much time will be devoted to toilet flushing?


Haven’t been to Maine in a couple of years.

Just got that. Well played.


And now he has to defend Trump’s actions with Iran. He is going to be even more miserable


Maybe you could watch for some of us that don’t have strong stomachs. Please.


I’m in SoCal, and San Francisco has some horrible problems, but it’s one of the most wonderful cities I’ve ever been to. Love it :heart_eyes:.

1 Like

I’m in SoCal too. (OC)


With Pompeo as his Wormtongue, I would would predict him to be looking for adulation for bringing the endtimes. “Some people are saying, they’re saying, that my actions, the best actions, in the Middle East are going to bring your God, our God, back to Earth to start the end-of-times. All the best people will get to live forever with me and all those bad and disgusting monsters will go and burn in the bad place, bad bad place folks.”


Mitch McConnell doesn’t have an honest bone in his body.

With a straight face, he can say to anyone that no witnesses have ever been called in impeachment trials. Nor, for that matter, has any president ever been impeached. In fact, the Constitution never even uses the word “impeach.” It can’t, because it was written on Mars, aka the Commie Planet, in a different language, and then smuggled to Earth. He will deny your own existence to your face, and he’ll pass a lie detector while doing it.

McConnell will only agree to a fair trial if he believes he’s already rigged it, or if refusing will immediately cost him his seat.

This is a test of endurance. McConnell knows he can out-wait anyone, all things being equal. Thank god time is against Trump’s cover-ups, but it won’t be enough on its own to compel Moscow Mitch to the bargaining table. If you don’t have him by the short hairs, you don’t have him at all.


Thanks. I needed that. This is the view from our kitchen and bedroom. The flagpole sits on a doublewide and Mike, the owner has stage 4 cancer, lives off welfare and Mainecare… all those commie ideas he hates.