I agree. They know they will lose and are betting on Democrats not having the guts to add justices to the court.
It was Republican senators who went to the White House and told Nixon he must resign.
Electoral College would still remain biased
Yes, I should have said it better…
They realized the problem with the “Nixon Affair” was that Republican senators didn’t back the president regardless of clear and obvious guilt and made him resign.
They learned IOKIYAR, first and foremost, always and forever
True, but DC/PR would help that some, and without voter suppression repubs wouldn’t have a chance even with the biased EC.
I had a student whose family was from Yuma CO, Gardner’s hometown. When she got her teaching license she moved to Yuma imagining it as some sort of rural idyll. She lasted a few months and came back to the Front Range realizing that it was just another dying town on the eastern plains. I would hope that where Gardner will end but with his slick and slimy behavior it’s a whole lot more likely that he will join the K St. swamp no matter how much he claims to love his state.
Every single one of these hypocritical assholes needs to rot in hell!
Grassley is a piece of shit. Less than worthless. An active participant in the authoritarian trash that wiped their ass with the constitution in 2016 and now says “what, who, me?”
Since I didn’t vote for him, his message is: die and fuck off, in which ever order you feel like.
That’s probably the best way to look at this as Nixon’s problem with Watergate was that he denied what someone else had planned and executed. Trump, on the other hand, should have been convicted for multiple breaches of law.
Or let the South secede. We’d only be giving up NO and Austin.
Oh I don’t know, maybe if enough angry Democrats say we’ll add 4 more seats to the SC that will give them incentive. Trump isn’t the only one saying the quiet things out loud these days.
Nope. They know that the Democrats are not going to do such a thing, it would be un-american or something. Most Democratic Congresscritters rather than advancing the causes of those who vote them, spend their time appeasing those who would never will.