McConnell Locks In Gardner And Grassley For SCOTUS Vote

I still blame Hillary Clinton for this whole situation. Democrats were on the cusp on having majority of Democratically appointed justices on the SC for the first time since the 1960s and she couldn’t be bothered to visit Wisconsin.

“While there was ambiguity about the American people’s will for the direction of the Supreme Court in 2016 under a divided government, there is no such ambiguity in 2020,” Grassley said.

“And we intend to thwart that will if we possibly can,” he added.

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“While there was ambiguity about the American people’s will for the direction of the Supreme Court in 2016 under a divided government, there is no such ambiguity in 2020,” Grassley said.

He’s right, there is no such ambiguity in 2020. Poll after poll says the American people want the president and senate seated after January 21st to choose the next justice.


The size of the House was fixed at 435 in 1911 by the “Apportionment Act” to ensure that the burgeoning Black and Minority Populations could not gain any representation in it.
William Howard Taft was President, the “Gilded Age” was in full swing, and he and a highly corrupt Congress working as hard as possible to undo everything Teddy Roosevelt had accomplished in the prior administration.
Taft would be followed in 1912 by the viciously racist Woodrow WIlson, who expelled all “non-white” employees from all Government positions and supported Jim Crow laws to ensure white supremacy.

Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska, and Hawaii were not yet states at that time, and the racists wanted to ensure that an influx of “Undesirable Papists” from these territories would not swing control of the House out of the hands of the “Protestant White Population” of the 46 existing States.

Remember, in 1911 the KKK was rising in power, reaching it’s peak in 1922, when 50,000 KKK marched in Washington DC in support of Jim Crow laws and White Power and opposing the influx of immigrants from “non-Protestant” nations in Europe and elsewhere (like Italy, Russia, Mexico, etc.)

If the normal distribution of Representatives had not been stopped by this bill (and subsequent bills that make the apportionment-leveling at 435 Seats automatic) we would now have over 1,000 seats in the House.
In 1911 the US population was: 93.8 Million
In 2019 the US population was: 328.2 Million


My point exactly.

All the Bang for the Buck, none of the Baggage of the prior decisions.

Remember, Trump/McConnell are purely Transactional, they only think about TODAY, not TOMORROW.

Trump NEEDS to win Florida and Arizona, and the way to do that is to stroke the Latino-Catholic vote.
Lagoa does that, while STILL providing the Anti-Roe vs. Wade vote the White Evangelicals demand.

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Not surprising to me. With a hard right Justice to reign in Roberts, any possible Trump v. Biden goes to Trump. In the long run, a young, hard right court can essentially hamstring the Dems for 30-40 years, even if we consistently hold the House and the White House. Our ONLY option is to increase the Senator count with DC and PR, reduce the number of federal judges (an end run around impeaching all the unqualified ideologues that McConnell seated), and expanding SCOTUS. All of these are hard rows to hoe, especially in the middle of a pandemic and a financial crisis, doubly especially for Democrats who prefer words over action.



The Democrats have become the “Stuffy Traditionalists” and the Republicans are now the “Bomb-Throwing Radicals” where Constitutionality, Senate and House Rules, and interpretation of Law is concerned.

It’s the Wiemar Republic all over again.


I hope that Dems don’t waste everyone’s time with sighs and shows of disappointment and sadness over their “GOP colleagues’” decision to do this, the way you talk about a child that hasn’t learned its lesson but whom you still believe in and have hope for, as if that’s all that’s expected of them at such a time and all that they can do in response. That would be weak at best and cowardly and really morally criminal at worst. If they don’t fight this tooth and nail and play dirty, what could are they? We don’t need nice losers in there. We need fighters who draw blood and win. Even Michelle clarified that taking the high road doesn’t mean giving up. There’ll be time to be nice when they’re in charge and get to set the agenda. No accommodation with Repubs. None.

That said, I assume this means that Stimulus 2.0 is not going to happen. Which hurts Trump more than Dems. But also millions of Americans. He’s ok with burning down the country, especially if he loses but also if he wins, if it means not caving to Dems. He’s A+ that way.


We need more than snark, but after Graham’s expected flushing of his principles, the only way to ‘lock down’ a Republican is to lock them up.

We’re coming for you, Donnie…

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Now had she been a Muslim citing Sharia Law…


Bless their little corrupt, hypocritical hearts. Sure didn’t take them long to disavow everyone’s pipe dream that “there wasn’t enough time” or that “enough Republicans would resist”.

Sheldon Whitehouse told the truth last night - the big, big money has been paying the Republicans to do this for years - they are owned and supported by this dark money and besides, it is what they really want.

Sucker punched again. Welcome to the Religio-Corporate States of America. Just imagine - we are going to look back on these as the good days.


When Grassley threw his personal friend Merrick Garland under the bus, I knew he was a r/w tool who would always put party before country.


I hope so. But many GOP pols despise Trump (Graham probably still despises Trump the most), and it isn’t stopping them.


“While there was ambiguity about the American people’s will for the direction of the Supreme Court in 2016 under a divided government, there is no such ambiguity in 2020,” Grassley said.

This statement is willfully ignorant. He’s so deep up the Dotard’s ass that he’s lost his grip on reality. I cannot believe that the Republican Party has the best interests of this country in mind when it is sooo fucking corrupt.


And since the nominee doesn’t need to have any more sentience than Clarence the potted plant, she’s more than qualified.


Amen. He acted so tough against Rump right before Rump was elected by the Russians, and tough for a bit afterwards, but he is just another unprincipled Republicant coward. All talk that he does not walk.

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Ramming this through is electoral seppuku. American are more likely to go and vote out of outrage than of gratitude. Once you give the evangelicals what they want what motivation they have to go out and vote?. Liberals would be outraged and would go out out of their way to get some retribution.

On the other hand Trump will only nominee a candidate if s/he pledges fealty to Him and agrees to throw the election his way. But the GOP senators might be toast anyway.


McConnell and Co. believe the WH is already lost. (The urgency with which he is moving on this is a clear indication that he believes Biden will win). And that its likely they lose the Senate too…if not this year, then in 2022.

SCOTUS seats last a good 20-30 years. And with the number of relatively younger jurists, the SCOTUS will be conservative for a generation. That’s worth sacrificing a Senate majority that they barely have.


McConnell Locks In Gardner And Grassley For SCOTUS Vote

Damn it all to hell.

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Well said. They are going to seat another SC justice. We need to concentrate on winning the election. Then we will take up our options regarding the bench. I think you are right in our path forward with the SC but we need to win the election first.

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