McConnell Faults Dems For Taking Intel Whistleblower Complaint Public | Talking Points Memo

You can’t spell “Addison Mitchell McConnell” without the letters that spell “eat shit.” It’s a science fact. A couple of the letters have to do double duty but if you look at the first sentence you’ll see I’m correct. Eat shit, Moscow Mitch! You don’t like that nickname, Moscow Mitch? That’s a shame, Moscow Mitch. Maybe you’d feel better about it if you ate some more shit.


Nah, it’s the drugs from his shoulder making him exhausted.

This nonsense is just another day at the office for #ditchMoscowMitch.

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And stupid. Dems would not have done any of this had Barr and Trump allowed the WhistleBlower to lawfully get his/her complaint to Congress.

This fucker depends more on voter abject ignorance than someone running for fifth-grade president.

But there’s this: McConell, being a reptile, will remain motionless as long as possible. He never would have said a thing if this was a typical Trump scandal.

This is Intelligence
With other sovereign nations
And for real


It’s funny how there’s just a collective sense that the jig is up.


Yeah, funny. :rofl:


You are right! I edited it. Please review anew.

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i think you are doing a great job, I currently have a massive turrets episode going off in my brain


Moscow Mitch [reading]: “This country cannot afford to have the Democrats politicize national security issues.”



He still won’t read it.

But better.

Schiff doesn’t want this matter swept under Trump’s rug.


“Things have come to a pretty pass when you can’t even stage an old-fashioned smear campaign without a bunch of Democrats getting all pissy.”

I hope he doesn’t get in trouble with the boss for forgetting to use the words “witch hunt.”


Again, again, I cannot do any work because of this piece of shit! Pieces of shit! I can’t edit one word without the siren song of TPM all day long! I even read it while I’m walking my damn dogs!!


Word has it that even Normay has intel on Trump.


It’s truly amazing how much he’s swept under his rug, given how thin it is.



Are you asking Dems to trust you, Mitch? Moscow please.


please, please, please

I can’t remember what good governance or a full night of restful sleep feels like any more


Now that I calmed down a bit, it is beginning to sound like a compliment.

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The sole reason anyone even knows anything about the contents of the complaint is Maguires refusal to give it to the intelligence committees.

Schiff merely revealed that Maguire was breaking the law – and did that only after he’d tried private to get the report.

And given that there is a very limited universe of people who actually knew what the report was about – and ALL of them worked for the Trump DoJ, the Trump White House, or were Trump appointees at the Office of DNI, its pretty obvious where the leaks came from.


Dear Moscow Mitch,

While this may be news to Vladimir Putin and his employees, “The American people have a right to know if their President is a crook”, Richard M. Nixon. Or to put another way, this is a matter of public concern and therefore the American people should be notified.

The story of Trump violating the laws first by trying to blackmail a foreign government into partisan foreign aid in an American political campaign by acting against American foreign policy and security interests by withholding needed military aid to defend itself against an enemy of both itself and America and then breaking the law again by illegally withholding from Congress a whistleblowers complaint over his unlawful and dangerous actions is clearly important for the voters in any Democracy to know and therefore a matter of public concern.

Or to quote Richard Nixon, the American people have a right to know if, or in this case that, there President is a crook.


Soon, very soon - the recordings of his rabid bidding for Greenland will come to light. Along with the astonished cries of Denmark shouting “WHO THE FUCK VOTED THIS IDIOT IN?”