McConnell Calls Greene’s Embrace Of ‘Loony’ Conspiracy Theories A ‘Cancer’ For GOP

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke out against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Monday night for espousing far-right conspiracy theories, several of which include false claims that the Sandy Hook and Parkland high school shootings were faked.

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This is getting interesting. Still, it’s a shame that Mitch is too dainty to join the team for the big win.


He must not plan on running again.


As if he didn’t know when he joined the party. Stop playing dumb, Machiavellian Mitch.


Greene is just the festering pustule on the cancer that is today’s GOP.


Actually, it’s because he has no control over what the House does. If MTG were a Senator, he’d be saying only that he had some concerns over inappropriate statements she’d made.


Two kinds of cancerous idiots in the Rethug party. Do they cancel each other out? Pretty sure that Greene nightmare is not going to be able to stick around.


He’s not up again until 2026. Maybe by that point the Trumpist lemmings will have all run off the cliff. And after shoveling that, I will bow out so I can shovel a wee bit of snow. :sunglasses:


Mitch hit out at 9/11 and Sandy Hook truthers and etc, but said nothing about popular QAnon conspiracies.
Half of all Trump supporters believe some QAnon conspiracies.


Greene hit back at the Senate GOP leader, tweeting that “the real cancer” for the GOP “is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully.”

I think I see the problem here.


Is it good that Mitch McConnell is finally affirming common decency in 2021? Yes. Does he deserve any kind of praise or affirmation for doing so at this stage of the game. No.

McConnell and his fellow party leaders could have (and should have) stood against the cancer of Trumpism back in 2015 and 2016 when it first reared its evil head. It was obvious to them (their statements during the 2016 primary season will live in infamy) that Trump would take them on the path that led inevitably to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and cosplay terrorists killing citizens in college towns and the United States Capitol. They chose to bury their heads and try to ride the tiger.

They can now try to put the toothpaste back into the tube on their own, while the rest of watch with morbid fascination and schadenfreude. Too bad the nation has suffered so much as a result of their greed and overconfidence.


He said that? Go figure…

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I think its because he sees that McCarthy’s weakness is a looming disaster, and so he is taking over the wheel.

I would further suspect that others in the GOP House leadership (and elsewhere) have reached out to him privately expressing their alarm at McCarthy’s lack of leadership.


How about a firmly implanted turd and the colonoscopy doctor is concerned about how to flush it out.

Mitch and the Republicans left out Greene calling for the death of Democratic leaders. Probably because they were too busy trying to use their election funds to hire security guards to protect them from the right wing terrorists they can not bring themselves to discredit.


It is like watching Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and lung cancer argue which one is doing a better job of killing the patient.


He’ll be 84 then. I suspect he will retire (if he doesn’t before then, he isn’t exactly a spry 78 year old now).

But even if he doesn’t, he isn’t worried about a crazy primarying him in 6 years. He has never lost a race in KY.


He knows the most extreme conspiracy stuff hurts the party so this isn’t too surprising.

What’s missing in his comments is any mention of false claims of election fraud, because that’s something the GOP can use to push more restrictive voting regulations that disenfranchise Dem voters.


No Mitch, the entire Republican party is a cancer on the country. Especially with you leading it.


It’s striking how much she and the whole Q phenomenon resemble Trump. Certainly I’ve met people with narcissistic tendencies but I’ve never met anyone quite like him. And it’s interesting that you have this whole movement that’s pathological in a lot of the same ways. If you call her a thing, boom, she throws that exact insult back at you, just as he does. The credulity, the fantasies, the simmering violence, the disregard for norms, it’s just a lot of similarities.

And of course: